Exotic Boerboels

Silencing Voices: Calling Out Power Abuse and Bullying in the Boerboel Community

In the world of Boerboel breeders, fostering a supportive and collaborative community is essential.

However, when those in positions of authority abuse their power to publicly discredit and ostracize others, it not only damages individuals but also undermines the entire Boerboel breeding community. Unfortunately, I’ve experienced this firsthand from North American SABBS representative Joseph Phillips of Golden State Boerboels, has repeatedly targeted me online. This individual has used their influence to spread misinformation, rally others against me, and block my ability to defend myself. What I’m witnessing is not just an abuse of authority—it’s a form of online bullying that creates unnecessary division among Boerboel breeders.

This kind of behavior, which some call cyberbullying I call “getting jumped online,” is harmful to the Boerboel breed we all love and work hard to improve. As Boerboel breeders, we should be focused on communication, growth, and unity—not tearing one another down in public forums. Whether you’re an experienced Boerboel breeder or just getting started, no one should have to face these types of attacks. It’s not just one person throwing insults—it’s a coordinated effort, as they try to pull others into their toxic behavior. spread negativity, hoping to isolate and discredit breeders like me, but not with facts or genuine concerns—just a need to tear someone down. This gang-like mentality thrives on division and fear, and it reflects poorly on the entire Boerboel community.

While I have the strength and resilience to stand tall through these attacks, I know that for many smaller breeders or those new to the community, this kind of cyberbullying could be devastating. This isn’t just about me—this is about a larger issue in our breed community. It’s time to call out this behavior and demand better from those in positions of authority.


When someone in a position of authority, such as a SABBS representative, engages in this kind of behavior, it goes beyond petty online drama. It becomes a gross misuse of power. For years, Joseph Phillips has publicly condemned me as a breeder, encouraging others not to support my breeding program without offering any legitimate reason or evidence of wrongdoing. What’s more, they’ve blocked me from responding or participating in some Boerboel groups, effectively silencing my voice within the community.

This isn’t just an attack on my breeding program; it’s an attempt to ostracize me from the very community I’ve spent years contributing to. Whenever my name comes up in a post, I see this person in the comments, attempting to rally others against me as if they were trying to form an online mob. They don’t engage in fair discussion or debate—they aim to control the narrative by preventing me from defending myself, a tactic that anyone in their position should be ashamed of.

This is a clear example of exclusionary bullying, and it can be seen in my experience with certain Facebook groups where Joseph Phillips, a North American SABBS representative, serves as the admin. As someone passionate about Boerboel breeding, I have always participated in these groups to share knowledge, connect with fellow breeders, and contribute to the Boerboel community. However, without any legitimate cause, I’ve been blocked from these groups and prevented from having a voice in the very spaces that are meant to foster collaboration and communication.

This type of exclusion is not only hurtful—it’s a direct form of bullying. By removing my access to these groups, Joseph Phillips has tried to effectively silence me, attempting to cut off my ability to engage with fellow breeders and prevent me from defending myself when I am attacked. This exclusion creates an echo chamber where only certain voices are allowed, and anyone who doesn’t align with the admin’s personal views is shut out.

Exclusion bullying, especially in an online community, can have serious consequences. For smaller Boerboel breeders or those new to the Boerboel world, being cut off from these key spaces can mean losing opportunities to learn, share ideas, and grow their reputation. It isolates individuals from the community and discourages open dialogue. No breeder should feel like they are being “jumped online” or forced into silence simply because someone in a position of power doesn’t agree with them.

This behavior affects those who are excluded and undermines the integrity of the Boerboel community as a whole. It discourages diversity of thought, stifles innovation, and creates a culture of fear rather than mutual support. This is why it’s essential for us to address this type of exclusion bullying and demand more inclusive, transparent leadership from those in charge.

Leviticus 19:15 Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly.

The real issue here isn’t just one person’s dislike for my breeding methods or my success—it’s how this individual’s actions set a precedent for the Boerboel community. When someone with authority publicly discredits and blocks others without merit, it suggests that the entire organization may align with their views. This creates an environment of fear and division, especially for smaller breeders who may not have the platform or support network to withstand such attacks.

When someone holds a position of authority, especially within a respected organization like SABBS, their words carry a great deal of weight. As leaders, their influence extends beyond personal opinions—they shape the direction and culture of the community. Their statements have the power to build others up or tear them down, and because of this, they must be held to a higher standard. People in these roles aren’t just representing themselves; they represent the entire organization, and the responsibility that comes with that must not be taken lightly.

In the Boerboel community, many breeders look to those in leadership for guidance, validation, and insight. When a person in a position of authority uses their platform to discredit others without merit, it sends a harmful message to the rest of the community. Their words can tarnish reputations, damage breeding programs, and create unnecessary divisions. And while those in power might feel insulated from the consequences of their actions, smaller breeders—especially those just starting—can see their livelihoods and credibility destroyed simply because of an unjust attack.

The impact of these words goes beyond the immediate moment. They influence the opinions of others, create biases, and perpetuate a toxic environment. For the community to thrive, leaders must lead with integrity, fairness, and an understanding that their words carry more weight. Rather than using their authority to tear others down, they should be fostering growth, inclusion, and constructive dialogue. A position of power should be used to uplift, not to exclude or diminish the contributions of others.

As members of a breed club like SABBS, those in leadership roles must be held to a higher ethical standard. They are entrusted with the responsibility of guiding the community, and with that comes accountability. Misusing their platform to engage in personal vendettas or silencing opposing views undermines the trust placed in them by the very people they are supposed to serve. True leadership is about fostering unity, encouraging open communication, and using the influence they’ve been given to build a stronger, more inclusive community.

For many smaller breeders, this kind of behavior can be devastating. A public attack from a representative of a breed club like SABBS could potentially ruin someone’s reputation, damage their kennel, and even put them out of business. And all because someone in a position of authority chose to misuse their power to further a personal agenda.


I’ve been strong enough to endure these ongoing attacks, but it’s important to recognize that this behavior is dangerous and unfair. Leaders in the Boerboel community should be held to a higher standard. They should use their influence to build others up, not tear them down. What we are seeing here is bullying—plain and simple—and it reflects poorly not just on the individual but on the entire organization they represent.

Bullying can take many forms, and what we’re witnessing here is a clear example of that. It’s not the kind of bullying you might expect on a school playground, but the kind that happens when someone with power uses their influence to publicly discredit others and silence opposing voices. In this case, the SABBS representative is leveraging their position not to promote unity or progress within the Boerboel community, but to foster division.

This behavior isn’t just harmful to me—it’s damaging to the entire Boerboel community. When people in leadership roles use their platforms to ostracize others, it creates a toxic environment. Smaller breeders and newer members of the community may feel like they have to align with certain individuals or risk being attacked and isolated themselves. This is the opposite of what breed clubs like SABBS should stand for. These organizations are supposed to encourage open dialogue, collaboration, and the growth of the breed, not suppress members who may have different views.

The truth is, the Boerboel community already struggles with infighting. There’s far too much division, and instead of coming together to support one another in our shared passion for this incredible breed, many breeders feel like they are constantly pitted against each other. When a high-ranking officer in the breed club engages in these toxic behaviors, it gives the impression that the club itself is aligned with these attacks, even if it’s just one person’s personal agenda.

For someone who is new to breeding or not yet established, this type of environment can be discouraging. It sends a message that if you don’t toe the line or align with certain individuals, you’re at risk of being bullied, blocked, and dragged through the mud. What kind of community does that foster? Certainly not one of inclusivity, respect, or mutual growth. Instead, it creates fear, distrust, and even more infighting.

As a breeder, I have been fortunate to have a strong foundation and the support of many great people in this community. However, I can’t ignore how damaging this behavior could be for others. Bullying from someone in a position of power can ruin relationships, reputations, and even livelihoods. It’s time for the Boerboel community to address these issues head-on, hold people accountable for their actions, and create an environment where breeders—big and small—can coexist and thrive.

At the core of any strong community is open, respectful communication. This is especially important in a breed club like SABBS, where breeders are meant to work together to uphold the standard and promote the well-being of Boerboels. However, when communication breaks down and is replaced by personal attacks and the silencing of opposing voices, the entire foundation of the community starts to crumble.

The Bible teaches us about the power of words and the responsibility that comes with them. In Proverbs 18:21, we are reminded, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” Words can build someone up, or they can tear someone down. In the case of Joseph Phillips the SABBS representative, their words are being used to destroy reputations, ostracize breeders, and create unnecessary division. Instead of fostering an environment of learning and cooperation, this behavior fosters hostility and fear.

James 1:19-20 offers another important lesson: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” This is a powerful reminder that as a community, we should be focused on listening to one another, offering support, and being patient in our disagreements.

We should not rush to judgment or use our words as weapons. Unfortunately, in this situation, the opposite is happening. Instead of engaging in open dialogue and trying to understand different perspectives, there’s a rush to condemn and discredit.

Furthermore, Ephesians 4:29 tells us, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” This is a call for constructive communication—words that help, guide, and encourage. It’s a reminder that those in leadership positions, especially, should be using their words to uplift and support others in the community. Instead, what we see in these public attacks is the opposite—words that are meant to tear down and divide.

These biblical principles are not just about faith, but about fostering a healthy, thriving community. Communication, when done properly, can strengthen the bond between breeders, promote the betterment of the Boerboel breed, and create an inclusive environment where everyone can succeed. But when communication is weaponized—when it is used to bully, discredit, or silence others—it becomes toxic, and the entire community suffers as a result.

It’s time to return to the basics of communication: listening, understanding, and speaking with purpose. As breeders, we all have the same goal—to promote and protect the Boerboel breed. That can only happen when we work together and engage in honest, respectful dialogue. Those in positions of authority, like SABBS representatives, should be leading the charge by setting an example of how to communicate constructively, rather than tearing others down.

It’s time for the Boerboel community, and especially SABBS, to take a hard look at what kind of leadership and behavior is being tolerated and encouraged. When individuals in positions of authority use their influence to publicly discredit and ostracize others, it’s not just a personal attack—it’s an abuse of power that harms the entire community. We cannot allow this type of toxic behavior to continue unchecked.

Accountability is key. Those in leadership positions, like this SABBS representative, must be held to a higher standard. Their role is to guide, support, and foster growth within the Boerboel community, not to bully smaller breeders or silence those who may have different views. When an officer of a breed club engages in such behavior, it casts a shadow over the entire organization, giving the impression that this kind of conduct is acceptable or even condoned.

If we allow this to continue, it sends a clear message: only those who conform to certain individuals’ agendas or views are welcome in the Boerboel community. This is not the kind of environment that encourages healthy competition, innovation, or progress. Instead, it stifles open dialogue, discourages new breeders, and creates unnecessary divisions within our community.

The actions of this SABBS representative are not just harmful to me—they are harmful to anyone who may find themselves on the wrong side of this individual’s agenda. Smaller breeders, in particular, are vulnerable. Without a strong support system or platform, they could see their entire reputation and kennel destroyed simply because they were targeted by someone in a position of power. This is why we need to demand accountability from our leadership.

The Boerboel community must move forward with transparency, inclusivity, and respect. The future of the breed depends on it. It’s time for SABBS and other breed organizations to step up and address the toxic behavior of those in power. Leaders should be focused on supporting the community, helping all breeders succeed, and promoting unity within the Boerboel world. This starts with holding individuals accountable for their actions and ensuring that power is not misused for personal vendettas.

As a community, we need to stop turning a blind eye to this kind of behavior. Bullying, whether online or in person, whether subtle or overt, has no place in the Boerboel world. We must hold our leaders accountable for their actions and demand that they use their platforms to uplift, rather than tear down.

As a community, we cannot continue to allow bullying and divisiveness to shape the future of Boerboel breeding. It’s time to stand up against the misuse of power and demand better from those in leadership positions. We all have a shared responsibility to build a strong, inclusive, and supportive community where breeders, both big and small, can thrive without fear of being attacked or ostracized.

The actions of this SABBS representative may have been targeted at me, but this issue goes far beyond a personal conflict. It’s about the principles that govern how we communicate, how we treat one another, and how we lead. When someone with authority chooses to use their influence to silence and discredit others, it undermines the very foundation of trust and respect that should exist within the Boerboel community.

For years, I’ve endured these public attacks and attempts to drag my reputation through the mud, but I’ve remained strong. However, I can’t ignore how damaging this behavior can be for smaller breeders or those just starting out. This type of bullying could easily end someone’s breeding career before it even has a chance to begin. We must create an environment where breeders are uplifted, not torn down, and where we engage in open dialogue, not online attacks.

To the Boerboel community and SABBS, I ask: What kind of future do we want to create? One where fear and division reign, or one where collaboration, respect, and unity are our guiding principles? It’s time to hold our leaders accountable and demand better behavior from those who represent us. It’s time to stop tolerating the actions of “keyboard warriors” and “gigabyte gangsters” who hide behind screens and use their power to hurt others.

Together, we can create a Boerboel community that thrives on mutual respect, where every breeder—regardless of their size or standing—has the opportunity to succeed. Let’s rise above the bullying, embrace open communication, and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and unity. Our breed, our community, and our future depend on it.


1 thought on “Silencing Voices: Calling Out Power Abuse and Bullying in the Boerboel Community”

  1. Well said, Brother Jordan. Just know that the Lord See’s Everything. And He dislike ugly people. Keep up, the Great Word. And keep lifting up the Boerboel community. God Bless You and Your Beautiful Family. The Lord made us to be Leader’s not Follower… Read the verse, Bro.

    2 Corinthians 3:12-18 NLT
    [12] Since this new way gives us such confidence, we can be very bold. [13] We are not like Moses, who put a veil over his face so the people of Israel would not see the glory, even though it was destined to fade away. [14] But the people’s minds were hardened, and to this day whenever the old covenant is being read, the same veil covers their minds so they cannot understand the truth. And this veil can be removed only by believing in Christ. [15] Yes, even today when they read Moses’ writings, their hearts are covered with that veil, and they do not understand. [16] But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. [17] For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. [18] So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.

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