Exotic Boerboels

Exotics Mahogany Red

LOCATION : Youngstown Ohio
HEIGHT : 25.2 IN
WEGHT : 128
MARKINGS : Medium Masl
COLOR : Mahogany Red
BUILD : Stout, Muscular, Solid, Athletic, Well Porportioned
SEX : Female
OWNER : Jordan Pittman

Pure Exotic

In the South African Boerboel look, a well-muscled body is noticeable. However, because of his good features and stance, this Mastiff is appealing. He requires a lot of space to move about because he is so active and athletic, but it must be a safe place. He’s a sweet dog, but being the “top gun” can be dangerous. Good planning and sociability, on the other hand, contribute to a happier family companionship. Keeping and caring for this kind of Boerboel is therefore fascinating and worthwhile.

Boerboel Puppies

We looked everywhere before bringing in our foundation stock, which was hand-picked from some of the world’s best-producing kennels. While everyone appreciates gazing at a large, beautiful dog, the actual Boerboel disposition is our first and foremost goal. We value health as well, and we work hard to build a dog with the necessary fitness to sustain the temperament for many years. It’s merely a plus that they’re attractive!

Additional socialization chances are provided through outdoor exercise. However, you have to ensure that all interactions are constructive and safe. If your dog is afraid of bicyclists and skateboarders, you should concentrate on building his confidence keep an eye for the possible problems to keep him safe. And in check. Allowing your Boerboel puppies to jump or nip at a person approaching from behind is never a good idea. Even if your pet cringes in fear, you should do everything you can to keep him calm. Keep him out of danger, if that’s what he thinks it is. If necessary, pick up and carry your pet. However, lifting little and holding them above other dogs, or at “human-level” in front of other people, can aggravate your Boerboel’s hostility. Reduce your fear and any aggressive tendencies.

Redd is a joy to own. Very loving and affectionate Red loves to be petted and will follow you everywhere around the house. Her goal in life is to serve us in any capacity that she can.
Red is a great protector. She is probably the most driven dog that we own. Her motor doesn’t quit. On runs with the sled, she does not take breaks. She will go until her body shuts down. Red is very loving to her people yet wary of strangers. One thing that you do not want to do around here is act suspect. Once red has determined that she does not trust you she will never accept you. This girl has great instincts and I trust her judge of character. If Red doesn’t like you then there is a good reason as she only doesn’t like bad guys and evildoers. For that reason, red will always have a place in our family.