Exotic Boerboels

Exotic African Boerboel Breeders Logo

Exotics Big Blu OX AKA UGGZ

WEGHT : 154.9
MARKINGS : Black Mask
COLOR : Brindle Blue with White Socks
BUILD : Strong
SEX : male
OWNER : Pittsburgh Rick

Pure Exotic

African Boerboel can be an obedient and trustworthy companion if adequately socialized and educated. Exotics Big Blu gets along with his relatives most of the time.

Yet little children should not play carelessly with him. So,they tend to dominate others around them. Since, small children will not tolerate this type of behavior.

The Value of African Boerboel

In many households, dogs serve a vital role. They are regarded as dependable companions and are one of the most valuable additions to any family. Many people’s health is also improved as a result of them. Inside a home, they can serve as a buddy or a guard. The South African mastiff Boerboel has recently received a lot of attention due to the importance of dogs in the home.

When it comes to food, the African Boerboel isn’t picky. Some high-breed dogs are happy with conventional dog chow. The mastiff will be fine as long as they contained premium ingredients and were recommended by a veterinarian. As a dog owner, you should keep an eye on your dog’s weight and calorie consumption to ensure they remain healthy.

  • . They specialize in the field of defense.

Exotics Big Blu is among the best guardians inside your home due to their vast size and ferocity when not taught. They will not easily allow intruders into your home. You may sleep soundly at night knowing that an enormous guard dog is watching out for you and your loved ones.

  • They are adaptable.

Despite their size, they can react rapidly. In addition, dogs are noted for having a great deal of courage in addition to their agility. For many families, this makes them ideal security dogs.

  • They are simple to follow.

One reason why so many people want them to be their security dogs is their ability to track. They make excellent hunting companions since they can locate their target quickly and return to your side without digesting it.

Big Blue is actually not completely a blue dog but Brindle with a Blue undertone. In our home, he was known as UGGZ because of the white markings on his legs rembled a dog wearing UGG boots. He is from the breeding between The Mack and Koda. If you have not read already, every puppy that has ever been produced by Koda. Each one is exceptional. Blue is a great representation of what you can expect from Koda. he is a sound dog with a balanced temperament. Physically he has some filling out to do yet he looks like some may expect a full-grown dog to look. This is our ideal sized dog although he is big at 154.9lbs he is not oversized. The best traits that Blue posses are his mental balance, physical structure and drive. Blue embodies all the elements of the ideal Boerboel but most important he is complete.
Blue was raised very near and dear to our hearts. This puppy began off to a ruff start but was immediately followed by him living the best life a puppy could live. Uggs, as he was known to us, was socialized a bit more than our normal extensive socialization and handling. Blues puppyhood was effected by a small umbilical infection. So he had to have it repaired by the vet and upon his recovery, he lived in the bedrooms. He was privileged to go to the parent-teacher conference Church on Sunday and even had breakfast in bed. Any time there if a puppy that may be in need of special care the go into the puppy care protocol where my daughters take the role of puppy attendant nurse. The interaction with the children and the puppies give them the incentive to live.