Exotic Boerboels

Exotic African Boerboel Breeders Logo

Exotics Bingo Afeni Teddy

LOCATION : Cleveland Ohio
WEGHT : 139
MARKINGS : Heavy Black Mask
COLOR : Black on Black
BUILD : Thick Athletic Performance Built
SEX : Female
OWNER : Exotic Boerboels

Exotic Landre Mes Tokara Egoli

Bingo is a majestic black Boerboel, boasting a muscular and robust frame that speaks of her breed’s guardian heritage. Her coat is glossy and sleek, reflecting a well-maintained and healthy lifestyle. Her deep chest and strong, well-defined muscles ripple with every movement, showcasing her incredible power and agility. Her eyes are alert and intelligent, filled with loyalty and protectiveness. Despite her intimidating appearance, Bingo carries an air of calm, confidence, and grace.Daughter of Exotics Afeni and Landre Black Teddy

They are often dominant and confident, so they require an owner who can establish themselves as a firm, consistent leader.
Bingo, a black Boerboel, is the epitome of canine strength and elegance. Her muscular build is exceptionally well-developed, a testament to her powerful genetics and rigorous training. Each muscle stands out, defining her sleek and athletic body. Her coat, a deep black, is smooth and well-groomed, shining brilliantly in the sunlight. Bingo moves with a fluid, confident gait, her muscles flexing impressively with each stride. Her stance is assertive yet controlled, radiating a formidable presence. Her face bears a gentle intelligence, softening her otherwise imposing appearance, and her eyes sparkle with a mix of kindness and alert vigilance.