Exotic Boerboels

Exotic African Boerboel Breeders Logo

Exotics Mando Slixk

LOCATION : Virginia
WEGHT : 145
MARKINGS : Solid Black
COLOR : Black
BUILD : Muscular athletic and lean.
SEX : Male
OWNER : Brian Martin

Exotic Barbarian

First, this is a stunning Black Male Boerboel From Barbarian Bagheera and Remi. The first generation that we bred between the union of Our Exotic Boerboels Blood and the Barbarian blood. Second, hybrid vigor was expressed through incredibly healthy puppies. Third, the socialization and handling of these puppies prove to make them smart. All were impressive. High-quality Black Boerboel puppies grow into high-quality adult Black Boerboels. Rare beautiful Bagheera is one of the best! Exotic females are bred from outstanding males. Track the pedigrees and see the outstanding representatives of the breed. However, we did not expect the puppies to be this amazing. Finally, the litter has proven to be some of the best Boerboels in history.

This stunning Black male is available for Stud service. Contact Brian Martin in Virginia he is from Bagheera and Exotics Remi. A breeding