Exotic Boerboels

Exotic African Boerboel Breeders Logo

Exotics Remi

LOCATION : Cleveland, Ohio USA
WEGHT : 121
MARKINGS : Black Mask
COLOR : Apricot
BUILD : Long distance
SEX : Female
OWNER : Exotic Boerboels

Pure Exotic

Most experts believe this breed of dog to be awesome, loyal, and intelligent. Their demeanor is a one-of-a-kind blend of abrasiveness and delicacy, making them ideal family pets.

However, they must be handled and nurtured correctly for all of these problematic behavioral trials. Their family members are generally friendly, cheerful, steadfast, affectionate, and confident.

Exotics Remi as African Boerboel

Exotics Remi is an African Boerboel as a dominant breed of dog. So, when you must keep a close eye on canine inclinations. Since they are fearless and fiercely protective of their relatives.

Pet parents should be cautious about the situations in which they place these Boerboels .Because a dog would defend its family with its life if it believes it is necessary. The outcomes of such an event will never be valuable to those who experienced it.

Fortunately, introducing your guests to your dogs in a friendly manner by their owners assists your dog in accepting the guests as members of the family. Even if they do it hesitantly and remain apprehensive. Since most dogs, particularly a protective Boerboel, will never let somebody unfamiliar into the house. Since he could be hazardous to his owner.


Owning an African Boerboel comes with a lot of responsibility. It is like any large breed dog, and owners must commit to raising a well-adjusted and balanced canine. It can be more demanding and require more time, effort, and training than a small or medium-sized dog. Also, owners should be conscious of the risk of harm and damage that any large breed dog can do. SABBS or Guardian Boerboels will not be held liable for any property or personal injury caused by your dogs. It is your ongoing responsibility as a dog owner. Which is to ensure that your dog is kept safe, appropriately regulated and supervised in public. As well as when the dog is among children or strangers.

Pure Exotic Stock. Daughter of Koda And Boogaloo. She is line bred to our original male Pluto. She exhibits a lean highly athletic physique. One of our most agile Boerboels of all time. Remi Can is built to run and love to run. I find it amazing how she can keep up with the bike with very little effort. At high speeds, she does not have to run all out to keep up. Her fast pace trot will exhaust most female Boerboels. Remi is capable of traveling long distances without tiring due to her physique.
Exotics Remi is the full belly sibling to Exotics Pancake, Her entire litter was fire. All the puppies have sleek well-developed bodies that are functional. Her puppies lean towards athleticism much like most of the Exotic Boerboel breeding females. Her first litter of 14 puppies brought her into the full maturity of motherhood and I am proud she handled it very well. We Expect Remis puppies to be the foundation for many generations to come. When you look at Remi you are seeing the result of my favoring and selecting for more agile intelligent capable functional working boerboels.