Exotic Boerboels

Exotic African Boerboel Breeders Logo

La Boela Miami Mami

LOCATION : New York Newyork City
WEGHT : 151.50
MARKINGS : Black Mask
COLOR : Brown
BUILD : Thick, wide
SEX : Female
OWNER : New York Boerboels

Rambo, Trebla Lu Lu, Middlepos,

Mami is a New York Boerboel with intelligence and affectionate character. She displays good temperament and a muscled body. Moreover, she easily gets along with the pack.

It would help if you had a positive strategy in place while preparing. The adoption of a reward system is also beneficial. Mistreatment or cruelty to the trainer will cause him to refuse to obey. He would disobey the orders if he used this method.

What A Trainer Should Do To Boerboels?

Thus, trainer must train this Boerboel breed properly.

Most people are hesitant to use mastiffs as security dogs since they are violent by nature. With the Boerboel, things are a bit different. When appropriately introduced to a guest, they can instantly recognize their faces. They are simple to train and can quickly greet visitors if their owners train them to do so

Consider The Health Of A Boerboel Breed

We understand that you want to take good care of your Boerboel dog because you love her so much. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the health issues we’ll be discussing with you during your Mastiff’s life. We can create a preventive health strategy to look for and maybe prevent some predictable dangers if we know about health concerns specific to Mastiffs.

Many diseases and health concerns in pets are inherited, which means they are linked to their breed. The disorders we’ve mentioned herein have a considerable rate of prevalence and influence in this breed, according to canine genetic experts and veterinary practitioners. It does not mean your dog will develop these issues; it only implies she is at a higher risk than other dogs. We’ll go over the most prevalent Mastiff problems to give you a sense of what she might face in the future. Of course, we can’t cover every scenario here, so if you see any strange indications or symptoms, please contact us.

This guide includes both general health information for all Boerboel breed and the most critical genetic predispositions for Mastiffs. This information will assist you and us in planning for your pet’s specific medical needs. We’ve also included an explanation of what you can do at home to keep your Mastiff looking and feeling her best towards the conclusion of the brochure. So you’ll know what to look out for, and we’ll all feel better knowing we’re doing our best to look after your pal.

Mami is a very special female dog that we are happy to call our family. She is very intelligent, loving with an awesome temperament. She is a robust thick, heavily boned correct, easy to please dog. She gets along well with our pack no matter the sex. Imported from La Boela Boerboels
Owner: New york Boerboels