Exotic Boerboels

Landre Black Teddy

LOCATION : Lorain Ohio
WEGHT : 143
MARKINGS : white Patch
COLOR : Black
BUILD : Lean Athletic Fit
SEX : Male
OWNER : Mike B Finesse

Landre Tokara Egoli Mes

Teddy was bred by Jolandie dreyer at Landre Boerboels in South Africa. He is a great specimen of the breed. Teddy represents the working functional Boerboels that made the breed well known for intelligence strength and companionship. His greatest virtue is completeness. He offers a total balance between power strength intelligence and athleticism. He is well driven with great stamina and endurance. No exaggerated chest head and weight. Teddy can be bred to any variety of the types of Boerboels.

Teddy comes from a diverse pedigree combining some of the original Bloodlines Egoli Spitsvuur Bullet Susmare. His pedigree is chock full of well-known great producers. On his Moms side, you have Tokara Drifter and Susmare dogs. His father is from the MES bloodline and is well known for producing championship-level Boerboels. We are very pleased with the puppies from him. His strength is his ability to produce the high-caliber stock. Many of his offspring thus far are surpassing him already. His relentless pursuit of breeding makes him a top-quality stud. Like many of the modern Boerboels of today, Teddy does not require assistance. He breeds naturally.