Exotic Boerboels

Exotic African Boerboel Breeders Logo

Exotics Sheeba

LOCATION : Cleveland Ohio
WEGHT : 132
MARKINGS : Brown with black mask
COLOR : Brown
BUILD : Muscular
SEX : Female
OWNER : Exotics


Boerboels play a vital role in many households. They are regarded as trustworthy friends and are among the most desirable complements to any family. Many people’s health benefits as a result of them. They can act as a companion or a guard inside the household. Because of the importance of dogs in the home, the South African Exotics Sheeba has recently attracted a lot of attention.

What Exotics Sheeba Can Do?

The Boerboels aren’t choosy when it comes to food. Some high-breed dogs are content with traditional dog food. The mastiff will be alright as long as they are made with high-quality components, and a veterinarian suggests. It would help if watch your dog’s weight and calorie consumption as a dog owner to protect their health.

1. They are experts in the realm of defense.

Because of their large size and fury when not trained, Boerboels make excellent house protectors. They will not let attackers access your home quickly. You may sleep comfortably at night knowing that a massive guard dog is keeping an eye on you and your loved ones. In South Africa, they can chase away predators such as leopards and baboons. You can select your puppy’s breed and meet them in person at websites such as Elite Boerboels.

2. Exotics Sheeba can change their minds.

Despite their small stature, they can react quickly. Dogs are also known for possessing a lot of courage in addition to their agility. It makes them great security dogs for many families.

3. They are straightforward to understand.

The ability to track is one reason why so many people want them to be their security dogs. They make good hunting buddies since they can swiftly locate their prey and return to you without digesting it.

4. They have a high intellect level.

Boerboels are relatively simple to train. They are highly devoted, making them one of the world’s easiest canines to train. Furthermore, they are quick to pick up recommendations and tricks, allowing them to be helpful security dogs in the shortest time.

Sheeba is an athletic dog whos life goal is to do her very best. She love spending her day outside and going on long walks and run with the family. She really enjoys meeting new people and dogs. Sheeba is the ideal fitness dog
Exotics Sheeba is an extremely smart dog and fun to be around. Sheeba is one of the most nature filled and athletic dogs. She loves to go on long walks with the family. The longer she spends outside the happier she is. Sheeba enjoys meeting new people and other dogs. She is extremely friendly and adapts well in new places. She loves to go on long runs and is a terrific workout partner. She stives to do her best and out run all of the other dogs.