Exotic Boerboels

Exotic African Boerboel Breeders Logo


Parents: Afini and Balto

Gender : Female

Price : $4,500

Born : 05-21-2022

Availability : For Sale

Blossomis the most athletic Boerboel we’ve ever had. One of her unique physical abilities is long-distance running. Her stride is long because she is tall and has moderately long legs. A thick muscular back end provides power and spring that makes leaping easy. Her balanced head and snout enable her to process oxygen more efficiently than shorter wrinkle-faced Boerboels. Vexana’s chest is not overly large, but it is correct for breathing, giving him another physical advantage. Vexana’s large wind capacity, which modern Boerboels lack, makes her exceptional in terms of breeding. So far, she has produced intelligent, athletic puppies.