Bingo is an incredible specimen of a South African Mastiff Breeder. When I say this dog is the most nimble that means she can turn on a dime, her movement is effortless, and when she runs she flies. Literally all four of her feet are off the ground when she wants to go fast. Many days we have seen the other females frustrated from trying to keep pace with her. Not only is she one of our most extremely agile South African Mastiff breeders she is also confident and strong with grat protection instincts. with complete confidence I know that Bingo will stand up a be one of the best Guard Dogs you can have. Compared to all of our other female boerboels she has a slight advantage in protection instincts. Although she is not super large in comparioson to our other bitches of the same age she is equal if not exceeding them in breeding value.
Many Boerboel Breeders will say that they like to see a dog carrying a little more weight. We would like to see a lot more boerboels carrying more muscle. The state of muscle in what is supposed to be a powerful dog breed is laughable. We are not easily impressed and most definelty are not impressed by overweight dogs.