Exotic Boerboels

Exotic African Boerboel Breeders Logo

The biggest Boerboel ever!! by Exotic Boerboel breeders.

The favorite of many visitors. People are lining up on our waiting list for us to have Boerboel puppies for sale from him. As a result, I truly think he is an outstanding Boerboel, but Boerboels this big have drawbacks!!

Outlaw is incredibly beautiful to behold and has an outstanding pedigree. Both of his grandsires are notable in terms of the ability to produce high-quality offspring. Outlaw’s father Boslvei Nemo and mother Middelpos Swembad are highly regarded as Boerboels and known to produce monster Boerboels who are very correct and desirable.

Extremes come at a cost! With a dog that is this massive, you sacrifice mobility. For example, Outlaw does not have the build for long runs. In fact, one of the limiting factors with dogs of this size is he lacks stamina and endurance. Large muscles tire easier because they have to pump more blood and oxygen. The idea is to make quick work of any threats and that he is most definitely capable of. Therefore, to his credit Outlaw possesses immense power.

A Boerboel breeder’s job is to be wise in paring dogs with the right bitches.

Great news for us is we have some incredibly athletic females in Pancake and her sister Remi. They have the fluid movement and handling of a Porsche. I would compare Remi to a Panamera and Pancake to a Cayenne. The art in breeding Boerboels is to pair dogs who complement each other in hopes of producing the most complete puppies. Then you select from the litter your desired type that improves most upon parents’ weaknesses.


Pancake and Remi have some of the best genetics to offer the breed as far as athleticism goes. I challenge any Boerboel breeder to show me a female Boerboel who can run as good as Remi. Remi keeps up with a bike effortlessly and has seemingly endless stamina and endurance. Both of the qualities that are the weaknesses that afflict Outlaw.

American Boerboel Breeders are making the grave error of doubling up on massive size without thinking about the Boerboels original purpose.

African Boerboel’s were developed on the plantation of South Africa and they cover many miles of terrain. Surprisingly If ten percent of USA Boerboel Breeders dogs today can cover that type of mileage I would be impressed because It is unlikely that 5 percent of the American bred Boerboels could cover miles in a day. Not to mention larger dogs encourage people to brag about size. Estimated by the association for pet obesity prevention that %56 of the dogs in North America are obese. Canine obesity is an epidemic that drastically shortens the lifespan of our canine companions.

We were originally drawn to Boerboels because they were the most athletic of all mastiff breeds. In the future, we don’t want to see this athleticism lost in the breed due to breeders’ desire to produce excessively large dogs. Last of all, spread the word the Exotic Boerboels is producing complete dogs. This is the breeder’s dream!

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