About Exotic Boerboels
Meet Your Breeder

I come from a logline of farmers and caretakers. My grandfather was born a sharecropper in the South. His father was the son of the owner of the plantation. Over 20 families lived together charged with the daily chores and responsibilities of farm life. Hard work in the outdoors with nature is instinctual. Naturally, I am attracted to nature.
Growing up a boy I spent many days and hours with my grandad working alongside him. His country philosophy on animal care rubbed off on me. I remember stories of how my Great Grandfather would not allow his livestock to breed to inferior stock. Mister was his name and he only bred to the best cows pigs and dogs. He was no-nonsense and did not make exceptions to his rules.
My cousins also had the animal lover gene. We spent time in the mall window shopping at the pet store the way many children would at a toy store. When we became teenagers we would get newspapers just to read the classified section where the dog breeders listed their puppies. The plain dealer classified section was the way that people bought dogs in those days and many breeds were listed. You could take your pick and go visit the breeder if they were open to visitors. In the library, we would check out all the animal books. Many days I spent in my room on punishment with nothing but animal books. Reading the animal books helped me pass time on.
My first dog was named Bear. He was a legend. My cousin and I got him from our neighbors who were giving away puppies. Their Golden Retriever had been bred by the neighbor’s loose Chow. Now they were giving away puppies for free.