Exotic Boerboels

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African Boerboel Dogs’ Gut health through Raw feeding and Green tripe

Food account as the basic necessity for every living thing on the face of the earth, and if you own an African Boerboel dogs for sale, then taking care of its health is one of your primary responsibilities. The health of a pet, particularly a dog (because it accounts for the most popular animal owned as a pet worldwide), is usually coined with the healthy food you provide to your Boerboel puppy. 

Food for your dog generally comes in different forms like kibble, raw feeding, wet food, etc., and what is good for your dog depends on your Boerboel breed’s current condition and body health; that is what it is ready to take into its stomach. 

What is a raw feeding for African Boerboel Dogs?

It refers to feeding your dog all the food in the original form, which is not good or not processed. Raw feeding includes feedings your Boerboel breed foods, like raw meats, bones, fruits, and vegetables, or a mixture of all of them as you see appropriate according to your African Boerboel dogs for sale’s condition. Raw feeding is said to have sound effects on the health of your dog. 

Importance through a practical case 

There’s seen a lot of confusion in people about better food to give to the Boerboel puppy. But many people prefer raw feeding. It is due to some special positive health effects on the Boerboel breed. For example, there were three dogs of Barbara Benjamin creel, and one of them named scooter had cancer and others had digestive problems then Barbara started providing them raw food as it proved to be great for them. 

The scooter cannot survive due to the late shifting to a raw diet. Still, others with digestive problems thrive after two years of raw feeding, and really, they are more energetic than before, and a natural diet is easy to tolerate, Barbara said. This case strongly suggests the importance of raw feeding. 

 Health benefits of green tripe for Boerboel Breed

Other benefits associated with raw feeding include the following points.

  • African Boerboel dogs for sale feed on a raw diet possess shinier coats
  • Raw feeding helps in healthier skin
  • It helps for cleaner teeth
  • Raw feeders keep the highest energy levels by far the most important advantage of raw feeding 
  • Raw feeders show smaller stools with less smelly poos
  • This method connects them to their actual wild nature when dogs were not domesticated and just fed on raw meats.

No offense, there are disadvantages to the raw feeding that if you do not provide a balanced raw diet that is most probable, it will negatively affect the Boerboel breed’s health. So, it is advisable that in this matter, you must take advice from your vet. 

But if your vet recommends kibble for your dogs, if it is not really to take up the whole raw diet, you can provide your dog the raw diet as a supplement that will enhance your African Boerboel dog for sale health. And if you are looking for an excellent natural food plan, take a look at boerboelpuppy.com and contact us.

What is green tripe?

When you talk about balanced food for your Boerboel puppy, then green trips are the best choice. It is a nutrition-rich food that constitutes the lining of the stomach of animals, particularly ruminants animals like cows, bison, etc. The word green in the tripe is not due to its green color; it is brown instead. 

We can observe the green hue due to the green food the animal eats just before the slaughtering. It comes in various forms like Book tripe, Blanket tripe, etc. why. It is so good because it possesses a bundle of essential bacteria and enzymes, which are very good for your Boerboel puppy. 


It is also present in the market in different forms like processed tripe, freeze-dried tripe, and raw tripe; all is the best because processing may wash off its important content, so plain is good. It is also so important because of its high protein content, which posses some essential amino acids necessary for your African Boerboel dogs for sale. And every vet recommends it. So, if you are so much into it and looking for the best kind, order at boerboelpuppy.com and let us know how good it is. Now we will see its effects on the gut of the Boerboel breed.

Importance of raw feeding and green tripe in dog’s gut health

They are particularly very important for the gut health of your African Boerboel dogs for sale. Why is gut health so important? There is a myriad reason for that. Hippocrates says that bad digestion is at the roots of all evil, which means that the health of your Boerboel puppy is directly related to the gut’s health. Because if your furry friend is not able to digest the food, it can create some severe disease. 

 Gut digestion

Yet every problem has a solution. The gut refers to your dog’s stomach, intestine (small and large), and colon, and the heart is crucial because it possesses a system of microbes in its lining tissues. It contains thousands of essential bacteria and enzymes in its which are responsible for good digestion. This microflora platform is responsible for detoxifying any coming toxins that can otherwise not be tolerated in animals’ stomachs. 

The gut

It possesses terrible bacteria, but nature has its balance. If this balance goes wrong, it can create severe problems. It can be like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), stress and depression, and improper digestion. And if your Boerboel breed is in any situation, then there is no chance you can be in any reasonable condition. 

This problem has a solution of raw feeding and feeding green tripe. In which can rebalance all the microbe system of your dog’s gut. We have seen that it can be beneficial because it also contains beneficial bacteria and enzymes. Mainly talking, it possesses a bacteria named Lactobacillus acidophilus. Also it  is present in your African Boerboel dogs for sale’s gut.

So, if your dog’s gut lacks bacteria, then it is the best solution for your dog. You should know that these bacteria control the population of other hazardous microbes like E.coli and salmonella and aid in protecting and enhancing gut immunity. So, green tripe directly affects your dog’s immunity. Other than that, it is of more significant help in your Canine’s digestion process in the gut, where green tripe provides mild acidic pH levels offering a conducive environment for your Boerboel puppy’s food digestion. 

The Bacteria in Green Tripe for African Boerboel Dogs

The bacteria present in green tripe avoid diarrhea and other urinary tract infections. Sometimes, if your dog is eating commercial food for a long time, it can cause a lack of some important enzymes for your dog’s gut health. So, you can provide your dog with this product regularly or consult the vet for the timing. Undoubtedly, it will significantly benefit your African Boerboel dogs for sale. 

The smell of green tripe can be unpleasant for you, but your dog’s sense takes it as the most delicious food. This product is also full of nutritional content. I am looking for other raw food that is also a good choice. Because low levels of fiber in raw food are good for dogs’ gut, resulting in smaller stools in animals.


So, you may have seen how this method becomes essential for your African Boerboel dogs for sale, especially for maintaining a good gut because a healthy gut results in the overall mental health of your dog and its immunity. It is good because if your dog is healthy, it will also help in your mental health. 

  •  Healthy dog healthy owner 

if your dog is healthy and fits, it reflects your well-being. Boerboel breed is a source of sheer joy for their owners. Boerboel breed can lower the stress and anxiety burning in you, making you comfortable. Your dog can accompany you in your loneliness. 

Your Boerboel puppy can excite you for exercise and playfulness. Research work has shown that dogs can cause longevity of survival for heart attack patients. They cause a reduced blood pressure level in their owners. Pat owning has proved beneficial for older people, and they even find their life meaningful. So, this is how the health of your dog is necessary for you. 

And yes, if you are looking for such dogs, then African Boerboel dogs for sale are the best option. They are intelligent, obedient, and confident dogs. And we at boerboelpuppy.com provides you the best and healthy Boerboel puppy. Visit us for more information.

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