Exotic Boerboels

Exotic African Boerboel Breeders Logo

Black Bottom Boerboels Alpha

WEGHT : 127
MARKINGS : light mask
COLOR : Red Deep red Mahogony
BUILD : Muscular Wide Thick
SEX : Male
OWNER : Exotic Boerboels

Pinacle Havoc Groenberg Rambo Mighty Mott Mighty Bismark

Black Bottom Boerboels is such a large breed of South African Boerboel.Their puppies are also enormous, especially when compared to other dogs their age. These puppies would require a lot of care. Puppies must be socialized as soon as possible to reduce the danger of aggressive behavior. Obedience training, which establishes the owner as of the pack’s Alpha, can begin early. Without it, the puppy will become the family’s leader as an adult. With a dog of this size, the last thing you want is for it to happen! Thus, you must pay attention to your puppy’s training. It’s critical not to squander your pet’s formative years. You will get the best outcomes in the long run.

What is about African Boerboel?

Your dog is unique! She’s your best friend, companion, and unwavering love supply. You probably chose her because you enjoyed Mastiffs and expected her to possess specific characteristics that would suit your lifestyle:

• Lovable, easygoing, and affectionate

• He’s big, strong, and athletic.

• Owner-protective; excellent guard dog

• Capable of adapting to a wide range of living situations

• Self-assured, stable, and brave

• Devoted and docile

No dog, however, is flawless! You may have also noticed the following traits:

• As a puppy, they can be energetic and unruly.

• If you don’t exhibit strong leadership, they’ll be willful and stubborn.

• Can be gassy and drool excessively

• She snores and makes a lot of snorting, snuffling, and wheezing noises.

• Due to her enormous size, she takes up a lot of space.

• Enjoys digging

Is everything worth it? Yes, of course! She has a lot of personalities, which you adore! She is observant and devoted. She is incredibly observant of her surroundings and a good guardian, even though she rarely barks.

Make sure you do your research before deciding to buy Boerboel puppies. You must also understand why you are receiving them in the first place. If you’re buying a new dog for the first time and want to keep them as pets, make sure they’re well-trained and have high-quality breeds. These dogs can be one of your closest companions, guarding your home at all hours of the day and night. In addition, you will get them to follow your directions and be cordial with your family and friends if you handle them right. To learn more about these pets you may contact an expert today.

We Brought in Alpha from Black bottom boerbols to Stud to our Exotic Bloodline. Alpha has an Impressive pedigree to match his build. His pedigree includes some of the most impressive and well know boerboels in history of the breed. His pedigree is a whos who of well know producers. Not only well know but imp[ressive specimens themselves
We are very excited to add some fresh Blood to our line. Alpha offers diversity to our stellar gene pool. although he is not huge or overly sized he has the capacity to breed outstanding specimens. In his picture, he is only 9 months but looks better than many full-grown adult Boerboels. He impresses us in so many ways starting with his very stocky cocky build. His physique screams a powerful dog. His front end is wide and well developed. His appearance would lead you to believe he spends his days doing endless push-ups. His rear puts you in the mind of a cyclist. His rear legs are strong and well developed. He shows so much promise as a stud dog!!!! We are eager to see if he can deliver on his promise.