Exotic Boerboels

The Purpose of A Boerboel

The boerboel information webpage is your one-stop shop for everything related to the breed. Our experienced breeder has been raising these puppies for over 15 years, and they know what it takes to make a great boerboel. From socialization tips to breeding advice, this site has it all! So whether you’re just curious about the breed or you’re ready to bring home your very own boerboel, be sure to check out our website.

#1 Family guard dog African Boerboel The Boerboel originates from South Africa and has earned the trust of the natives, but may have some work to do in America. Because of the dog’s massive appearance, Americans may be hesitant to trust the Boerboel as a family guard dog. However, compared to popular choices for Americans in […]

The Best American Family Guard Dogs Read More »

When you hear about a service dog or therapy dog, you may think of traditional service dog breeds. For example, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Dalmatians, and Bloodhounds may come to mind. These dogs no doubt good at what they do, but we believe the African mastiff can excel at service or therapy work. Because of their

Boerboel Dogs Healthy Benefits an Alternative to Prescription Drugs Read More »