Exotic Boerboels

Information | Everything you need to know about the Boerboel Breed

Exotics Jax, a stunning black Boerboel with a unique chest plate, standing majestically in a family backyard

 Unveiling a Canine Masterpiece Prepare yourself, dog enthusiasts, because what we have here is nothing short of extraordinary—more dazzling than a royal crown under the midday sun. Meet **Exotics Jax**, the epitome of Boerboel perfection that has taken the world by storm like a hurricane seizing the ocean. Jax’s pedigree is imbued with unparalleled quality, […]

Meet Exotics Jax: The Boerboel Masterpiece from an Unbeatable Bloodline Read More »


  Introduction Welcome to a discussion that fascinates breed enthusiasts and casual admirers: the astonishing variety within the Boerboel breed. Originating from South Africa, the Boerboel has a rich history and a range of roles, making it a versatile and much-loved breed. Yet, those who delve deeper into the world of Boerboels soon realize that

Variation within the Boerboel Breed – Why So Many Types? Read More »

Black Boerboel Breeder

Why We Showed Boobee: The Unconventional Boerboel That’s Good for the Breed When Boobee, our stunning Black Boerboel, recently walked away with ribbons at an AKC dog show, the reaction from the community was mixed. While some questioned our motives and the decision of the AKC judge, this was a crucial moment for the Boerboel

Why We Showed Boobee A Black Boerboel At The Akc Show Read More »

7 Powerful Boerboels

Are you a puppy enthusiast or current pet parent looking for canine companionship? We all love having furry friends in our lives, but some breeds are more energetic and resilient than others. Strong dogs need an active lifestyle that can keep up with their athletic abilities. That’s why I’ve made it my mission to curate

7 Powerful Boerboels featured at Exotic Boerboels Read More »

Have you ever seen a Cane Corso vs. Boerboel and wondered what made the two breeds different and similar? So, stop looking now! Popular domestic dogs like the Cane Corso and South African Boerboel have a lot in common but also differ significantly in some important ways. Both breeds are trainable as guard and protection

Cane Corso vs. South African Boerboel : Who would win? Read More »

The South African Boerboel is a rare breed of mollosser that comes from South Africa. It is also called the Exotic Boerboel. The word “Boerboel” means “farmer’s,” which comes from their history of protecting families, estates, and farmsteads from dangerous predators like lions, leopards, and hyenas in South Africa in the 17th century. People know

4 Different Types of Boerboel Read More »

  We’ll explore the 7 Characteristics of a Reputable Breeder and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision, you want to ensure that the furry friend you bring home is healthy, happy, and well-behaved. And the best way to do that is by finding a reputable dog breeder. But how

7 Traits of a Good Dog Breeder Read More »

Remi Son

Welcome, dog owners! Do you realize how important dog socialization is? While many pet owners mistakenly believe that play and socialization are only for enjoyment, it is actually essential for dogs to learn survival skills like cooperation, fighting, and hunting. Dogs need to interact with other dogs and animals, just like humans do. The top five

The 5 Benefits of Dog Socialization Read More »

 Mastiffs are one of the oldest and most powerful breeds of dogs. Their size and strength are matched only by their loyalty and devotion to their owners. Among these majestic creatures, there are some breeds that are considered the rarest of all time. These breeds are not commonly seen and are highly sought after by

Top 4 Rarest Mastiff Breeds of All Time Read More »