Exotic Boerboels

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We Train African Boerboel Dogs and Puppies:

Are you having troubles in training your African Boerboel dogs? We are happy to let you know that we have a team of experts to handle this matter. You can entrust to us your love puppies and pets. We ensure for authentic result to satisfy your desire.

Now Offering Trained Exotic Boerboels Dog Talk Ep. 1

Training video

Pressure Training

We are very excited to announce we have the best partner right now. We are proud to have Man’s Best K9. This is to make sure you know everything about training your African Boerboel dogs. Exotic Boerboels is now offering complete dog training in basic obedience, potty & early puppy training. Also for behavior modification, skills, protection, and fitness.

Training is an essential part of raising any South African Boerboel dogs successfully. It helps to establish the mind-body connection. Moreover, effective communication is important. In this video, Duke from Man’s Best K9 is explaining pressure during the training. He applies  pressure to the leash. And he did it so he can directly interact and communicate messages to the dog.

Negative Reinforcement

Pressure training works only when the dog is not in the proper position. Applying pressure through the leash and collar until the dog cooperates or moves into the desired position. Then this could be a form of negative reinforcement.

 Basically, the dog has two choices to be comfortable or uncomfortable. The choice is up to the Boerboel breed. You will see they’re in various instances. You must know that nonverbal communication is often more effective than the verbal method.

African Boerboel dogs do not respond to two verbal commands. They only comply until they have an understanding of the desire action behind the verbal command.

After they understand then we move toward correcting the undesired behavior. This is reinforced by pressure training through the leash. Enjoy this video that you can watch for you and many others.

 We are happy to tell you that you can visit our website . You can tune in on our way up the channel. So, you can also look forward for more about our country in the future.


How to train Boerboel puppy
Hire our experts to give an excellent training to your Boerboel puppy

Do you feel like to save time? Or feeling to have no schedule for it? Then, we have time to train and raise a young pup. So, allow us to help you.

Our plan is to train your Boerboel puppy through the difficult puppy stage. Then transfer the caretaking to you at a more adolescent stage.So, it will be easier for you to experience transition into your new home.

One of the most difficult tasks for a new owner is the fresh arrival at home.Then, what follows is to set up the new schedule. Since it is necessary to allow the African Boerboel dogs understand the new routines.

Fortunately, we have Man’s Best K9 to tie up with our head trainer Duke. Moreover, he is very knowledgeable and passionate about the training of African Boerboel dogs. Since I am about the physical conditioning of your puppy. Duke’s training techniques are time-tested. Also, it is proven in the results of his more than satisfied clients.

Positive Reinforcement

Our methods are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and pressure training through corrections. Obedience is essential to a healthy relationship for your new Boerboel breed. There has to be mutual respect and fairness.

Our training team excels and building this relationship through trust. What we focus on primarily is creating trust through the natural processes that dogs go through.Also, our goal is to deliver a life companion that is capable of adapting to any given situation.

Another area of focus and development is the physical characteristics of the breed. Since obesity could really  affect African Boerboel dogs. Also, they do not know what a fit dog looks like to be. So,people believe that healthy dogs have been starved to achieve that physique. That is so far from the word of the experts.

We must do something because there are many dogs suffer and dying after concise lives. So, join us in our fight to end canine obesity through proper training and exercise.

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1 thought on “We Train African Boerboel Dogs and Puppies:”

  1. Pingback: Top Boerboel Breeder : Learn the methods to achieve excellent breeding

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