Exotic Boerboels

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North American Boerboel Breeders Association NABBA is Closed

Dear Shirley Hagler,

I hope this message

Nabba Owner Appraiser Treasurer Shirley Hagler
North American Boerboel Breeders Association President Shirley Hagler

finds you well, especially given the recent challenges and responsibilities you’ve faced as the treasurer, president, secretary and appraiser of the North American Boerboel Breeders Association (NABBA). Your unwavering commitment and dedication to the integrity of the Boerboel breed, as well as the operations within NABBA, are truly commendable.

I must, however, address some concerns and misunderstandings, particularly regarding allegations tied to my supposed involvement with the South African Boerboel Breeders’ Society (SABT). To set the record straight, I have never been a member of SABT under my name; all affiliations and registrations were managed through my brother, Nolan Pittman. Hence, the accusations suggesting my expulsion from SABT are not only baseless but outright slanderous. This misunderstanding casts doubts on the reliability and sources of the information leading to these unfounded allegations within the North American Boerboel Breeders Association.

Furthermore, the portrayal of my visit to the Cincinnati Ohio appraisal event hosted by NABBA seems misconstrued. My attendance, prompted by an invitation, was never intended to disrupt or disrespect the proceedings or individuals. The misrepresentation of my actions at this NABBA event is regrettable and warrants clarification.

In light of the recent closure of NABBA, I wish to underline the importance of transparency and legal adherence, especially when operating under a 501(c)(3) framework. This status mandates strict adherence to laws governing nonprofit organizations in the United States, focusing on public benefit and legal compliance. As a U.S. citizen, I assert my right to request and review specific documents from nonprofit organizations like NABBA. Compliance with these requests isn’t optional but a legal requirement, ensuring accountability and transparency within organizations such as the North American Boerboel Breeders Association.

An issue of concern that has come to light involves the DNA testing protocol within NABBA. Reports indicate that funds were collected for DNA analysis, which were ostensibly never conducted. This not only breaches trust but also contravenes the foundational ethics of NABBA. Such actions question the integrity and operational standards of the North American Boerboel Breeders Association.

The decision to disband NABBA surely was difficult. However, I question whether this decision truly mirrors the collective will of the members or the overarching welfare of the Boerboel community. Strong organizations like NABBA should confront challenges head-on, rather than dissolving amidst adversity.

Despite our differing viewpoints, Shirley, my respect for your dedication to NABBA and the Boerboel breed remains intact. I wish you peace and fulfillment in your future endeavors beyond the North American Boerboel Breeders Association.

Best regards,

Jordan Pittman Exotic Boerboels

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