Exotic Boerboels

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North American Boerboel Breeders Association: Uncovering the Shadows of the Canine World

NABBA, The North American Boerboel Breeders Association once a revered name in the Boerboel breeding community, has come under fire for its practices and operational ethics. Reports from disgruntled members and external observers have painted a picture of an organization straying far from its original mission to uphold breeding standards and support its community.

Allegations of Misconduct:

Several key allegations have surfaced against the former NABBA, including:

  1. Misleading members by promising appraiser training and certifications that were never delivered.
  2. Charging exorbitant fees with little to no transparency or accountability.
  3. Creating a culture of secrecy and defamation, discouraging dissent and criticism.
  4. Allegations of financial mismanagement, with funds reportedly disappearing without explanation.

The Rebranding Controversy:

In what many see as an attempt to escape its tarnished reputation, NABBA has rebranded itself as NABBR North American Boerboel Breeder Registry . However, early indications suggest that the change in name has not brought about a change in practice. The same individuals who led NABBA under scrutiny are now at the helm of NABBR, raising questions about the sincerity of the rebranding effort and the likelihood of real reform.

Community Response and Action:

The transition from NABBA to NABBR has not gone unnoticed. A growing coalition of Boerboel breeders, owners, and enthusiasts, once silent, are now raising their voices in concern and demand for accountability. Social media campaigns, community meetings, and public demonstrations are all tools being wielded by a once-passive community, now galvanized to protect the integrity of their passion and their pets.


The story of NABBA and NABBR is a cautionary tale of what can happen when the guardians of trust within a community stray from their path. This investigative report serves not just to highlight alleged wrongdoing, but to remind everyone in the Boerboel community of the importance of transparency, integrity, and mutual respect.

As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen whether NABBR will address these allegations and reform its practices, or whether it will continue down a path that could lead to further division and disillusionment within the Boerboel breeding community.

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