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The North Amerrican Boerboel Breeders Association Closed

 North American Boerboel Breeders Association (NABBA)

has faced significant scrutiny, leading many to ask, “Why did NABBA close?” This question echoes through the Boerboel community, stirring a mix of concern and curiosity among enthusiasts and breeders alike. As a dedicated member of this community, with over 17 years of unwavering commitment to the Boerboel breed, I find it imperative to address the unfolding situation and clarify my stance regarding the recent controversies surrounding NABBA.

This post aims not only to defend my actions and clarify the misunderstandings but also to shed light on the broader issues affecting our community. It’s crucial to understand the importance of transparency, accountability, and proper governance within organizations like NABBA, especially when they serve as the cornerstone for Boerboel breeders’ registries and enthusiasts looking for how to register Boerboels effectively and ethically.

In discussing these matters, I will delve into the specific incidents leading to my unjust expulsion from a park, the legal rights afforded to me and other citizens regarding nonprofit operations, the current mismanagement within NABBA, and the need for substantial organizational reform. My narrative is not just about personal grievances but highlights a collective need for clarity, fairness, and respect within the Boerboel breeding community.

As we navigate through these complex issues, let’s remember the shared love and respect we hold for the Boerboel breed. It is this passion that has driven my long-standing dedication and efforts, contributing significantly to the breed’s development and welfare. Join me as we explore the intricate dynamics of NABBA, the necessity for its transparent operation, and the implications for Boerboel breeders and owners alike.

 Unjust Expulsion from the Park

My visit to the appraisal event, organized by the North American Boerboel Breeders Association (NABBA), on May 13 2023 was initiated by an invitation from Terry of Southern Ohio Boerboels. This was not a casual decision; it was a planned trip motivated by a genuine desire to network, meet fellow Boerboel enthusiasts, and, most importantly, showcase the quality of my Boerboels. Understanding the value of these appraisal events, I invested significantly in this opportunity, spending over $1000 to rent a van and ensure safe, comfortable transport for my dogs.

Upon arrival, my intentions were clear: to engage with the community, learn, and participate in a space dedicated to the breed we all respect and love. However, what was meant to be a day of constructive engagement and learning swiftly turned bewildering. Without prior notice or a clear explanation, I was asked to leave the park, an action that not only left me perplexed but also questioned the transparency and communication practices of NABBA.

This brings to light a concerning lack of transparency and clear communication from NABBA. There was no prior indication that my presence would be unwelcome, especially considering it was at the behest of a respected member of the organization. This incident raises critical questions: What specific NABBA rules did I violate to warrant such expulsion? Why was there no attempt at communication before such drastic measures were taken?

The lack of clarity and openness from NABBA is troubling. As an organization that holds the mantle for the Boerboel breed in North America, its operations must be guided by fairness, transparency, and clear guidelines. Members and guests alike should be well-informed of the rules and expected conduct at events, ensuring all parties are on the same page and promoting a harmonious environment conducive to the breed’s appreciation and growth.

In light of those events, I called for NABBA to provide a transparent explanation not only to me but to the entire Boerboel community. The organization needed to delineate the specific rules that were allegedly breached, accompanied by a clear, communicative approach that respects the rights and investments of all individuals involved. Only through transparent practices and fair treatment can trust be restored and the community moves forward in a united manner, focusing on what truly matters – the well-being and promotion of the Boerboel breed.

 Mismanagement and Role Concentration within NABBA:

In the heart of our community, the North American Boerboel Breeders Association (NABBA) should stand as a paragon of integrity and balanced governance. However, past events shed light on concerning trends within the organization’s leadership, specifically the concentration of multiple critical roles — including appraiser, president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary — in the hands of a single individual. This unusual setup raises significant questions about the efficiency and transparency of NABBA’s governance.

Concentration of Power: Implications and Concerns

When one person holds several high-stake positions within an organization, especially in a specialized community like Boerboel breeders, it inherently diminishes the system’s checks and balances. Such concentration of power can lead to unilateral decision-making and a lack of transparency, where decisions might not always reflect the collective best interests of the members or the breed. In any Boerboel Breeders registry or association, diverse leadership encourages varied perspectives, fostering a more democratic and transparent decision-making process.

The Need for Organizational Structure Reform

An effective governance structure within organizations like NABBA is crucial for maintaining trust and credibility. This structure should include a clear separation of roles and responsibilities, ensuring that no one person has undue influence or control. A balanced board of directors, along with separate individuals handling financial, operational, and administrative duties, is essential for fostering accountability and transparency.

The Incident at the Park: A Reflection of Deeper Issues

Consider the scenario where a person is removed from a public event or park without clear justification. Was there a sign indicating “Members Only”? Were the supposed rules or bylaws that justified this action communicated clearly? Putting oneself in the shoes of the individual removed, it’s natural to question the fairness and legality of such an action. If it happened to any one of us, wouldn’t we demand answers and transparency?

That incident raised broader concerns about how decisions were made and enforced within NABBA. It reflected the urgent need for a more transparent, democratic process where actions are based on established, clear rules rather than arbitrary decisions by a single individual. This is not just about one person; it’s about creating a fair, equitable environment for all members and enthusiasts involved in the Boerboel community.

Personal Commitment and Contributions to the Boerboel Breed:

Throughout the last 17 years, my life has been intricately woven with the journey of nurturing and promoting the Boerboel breed. This path hasn’t been just a career choice; it’s been a profound commitment that required complete dedication, often at the cost of personal leisure and family time. Being a dog breeder, especially of a breed as demanding and robust as the Boerboel, means embracing a lifestyle where days off are non-existent. Our dogs require constant care, attention, and nurturing every single day, making the concept of a complete family vacation a distant dream. It’s a sacrifice that all too often goes unnoticed, where either my family goes on vacation without me, or I stay behind, ensuring our Boerboels receive the care they deserve.

This unwavering dedication extends beyond just the day-to-day care. Over the years, my efforts have contributed to the development and preservation of one of the longest-surviving Boerboel bloodlines in the United States. This is no small feat in a landscape where many Boerboel breeders have come and gone. The stability and resilience of my bloodline stand as a testament to the relentless hard work, ethical breeding practices, and an undying passion for improving and maintaining the integrity of the breed.

The journey has not just been about maintaining a bloodline but also about fostering a community that values the Boerboel for its unique qualities and potential. As a passionate steward and enthusiast of the Boerboel breed, my goal has always been to ensure that recognition and appreciation are based on merit. It’s been my mission to create a more equal playing field where the best Boerboels are celebrated and championed, irrespective of their background or the prestige of their breeders. This vision goes beyond personal gain; it’s about elevating the breed as a whole, ensuring each Boerboel is allowed to shine and contribute to the breed’s future.

My dedication to the Boerboel breed is unwavering.

It’s a commitment that has defined my life for nearly two decades, characterized by sleepless nights, endless research, and a continuous drive to learn and improve. This journey has been about more than just breeding dogs; it’s been about nurturing a legacy and contributing to the well-being and recognition of this magnificent breed.

In the face of challenges and controversies, such as those currently surrounding NABBA, it’s this deep-rooted commitment that keeps me grounded. It reminds me of the importance of fighting for transparency, fairness, and the welfare of the Boerboels we all cherish. As we move forward, I remain steadfast in my dedication to the Boerboel breed, committed to ensuring that our beloved dogs receive the respect, care, and admiration they so rightfully deserve.

Call for Fair Treatment and Organizational Change:

The recent closure of the North American Boerboel Breeders Association (NABBA) raises poignant questions about its governance and decision-making processes. The dissolution seems to have been the decision of a single individual, leaving many to wonder: Did a genuine board ever exist within NABBA? The apparent lack of consideration for the members, who are arguably the main party and the very soul of the organization, underscores a profound need for change within the community’s governance structures.

In light of these events, it is crucial for the newly formed North American Boerboel Breeders Registry (NABBR), which emerges from the ashes of NABBA, to heed the lessons of the past. Fair treatment within NABBR should be foundational, predicated on clear, consistently applied rules and regulations. Every member, regardless of their standing or tenure, deserves equal respect and consideration. The policies and processes that guide NABBR’s operations must be transparent, ensuring that every member understands the criteria and decisions impacting the community and the breed.

Moreover, the establishment of NABBR presents a pivotal opportunity to foster a more transparent and democratic process within the organization. Encouraging member participation in decision-making, facilitating open forums for discussion, and ensuring board accountability are steps that can significantly enhance the organization’s integrity and effectiveness. Transparency should not just be a buzzword but a fundamental principle guiding all actions and decisions within NABBR.

Furthermore, the transition to new leadership could be the breath of fresh air needed to rejuvenate our community. Fresh perspectives can foster innovation and lead to the implementation of best practices in breed and organizational management. However, this new leadership must prioritize the welfare of the Boerboels and the community’s needs above all else. It should strive to rebuild trust through actions that demonstrate commitment, fairness, and a genuine desire for collaborative growth.

As a community, our shared goal is to ensure the well-being and integrity of the Boerboel breed. The establishment of NABBR offers a unique chance to reset and build an organization that truly represents and serves its members’ interests. Let’s advocate for a registry that stands as a beacon of best practices, ethical breeding, and community support. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for all Boerboel enthusiasts and breeders.

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