Exotic Boerboels

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Unleashing the Power of Raw Meat: A Guide to Improving the Health and Vitality of Your African Boerboel

Unlock the full benefits of raw meat today and experience the benefits for yourself!  Raw meat is the African Boerboel’s favorite. This large, muscular breed needs a diet that keeps them healthy and active. We’ll discuss the benefits of feeding your African Boerboel raw meat and how to switch in this guide. In conclusion, we would like to emphasize the importance of proper nutrition for the Boerboel breed, and also recommend a raw meat diet as the best option for them. You can start using raw meat to improve your African Boerboel’s health with this guide.


Why raw food is best for my Boerboel


Raw dog food lacks preservatives and artificial ingredients. These ingredients cause dog obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

Raw food digests better. Your Boerboel will digest nutrients better.

Handling, storing, and preparing raw food, especially from unreliable sources, prevents bacterial contamination.

Raw food is best for Boerboels because it’s closest to their natural diet, preservative-free, and easier to digest. Handle raw food from a reliable supplier to avoid bacterial contamination.


Raw meaty bones are the best chew toy for a boerboel puppy.


The Power of Raw Meat
Fresh raw meaty bones.

Raw meaty bones stimulate Boerboel puppies’ teeth and minds.

Boerboel puppies can safely chew raw meaty bones. Chewing helps dogs’ teeth. Raw meaty bones clean teeth and promote dental health.

Raw meaty bones stimulate your Boerboel puppy’s brain and teeth. Chewing a bone concentrates your puppy.

Raw meaty bones are healthy. Puppies need protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Dogs can choke on specially cooked bones. Use trusted raw meaty bones and supervise your puppy while they chew.

A large bone can choke your puppy, so make sure it’s the right size.

Finally, raw meaty bones stimulate Boerboel puppies’ minds and teeth. They give your puppy natural nutrition and a safe chew. Use good raw meaty bones and supervise your puppy while they chew.


Boerboel Raw Food Diet for Adults.


Adult Boerboel can benefit from a raw food diet.

Adult raw diet Boerboel mimics their diet. Healthy adult dogs need protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Commercial dog food cooking destroys digestive and nutrient-absorbing enzymes.

Boerboels aren’t harmed by raw food diets. These ingredients make commercial dog food last longer but can cause obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

Raw food is easier to digest than commercial dog food, so your Boerboel will absorb more nutrients and have fewer digestive issues.

Feeding raw food, especially from unreliable sources, requires proper handling, storage, and preparation to avoid bacterial contamination. Before changing your dog’s diet, especially if they’re sick or on medication, consult with your vet.

A raw food diet can improve dental health, skin health, and coat shine. Owners of raw-fed Boerboels say their dogs have more energy and feel better.

In conclusion, adult Boerboels can thrive on raw food. It’s natural, preservative-free, and easier to digest. Handle it properly, consult your vet, and buy from a reputable supplier. A raw food diet can improve your Boerboel’s health, energy, and well-being.


Unlock the Benefits of Raw Meat: Unleash Its Power


In recent years, BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diets have become popular to improve pets’ health and well-being. These diets are based on the idea that dogs and cats should eat like they would in the wild.

Raw food diets are high in protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals, which are essential for a healthy pet. Enzymes that aid digestion and nutrient absorption are lost during commercial pet food cooking.

Raw food diets are also free of preservatives and artificial ingredients, which can harm pets. Commercial pet food often contains these ingredients to extend shelf life, but they can cause obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

Raw food diets are also easier to digest than commercial pet food, so your pet will absorb more nutrients and be less likely to have stomach upset or other digestive issues.

To avoid bacterial contamination, raw food must be properly handled, stored, and prepared. Before making any diet changes, consult with your vet, especially if your pet is sick or on medication.

Raw food diets can improve skin, dental health, and coat shine. Pet owners who switch to raw food diets say their pets have more energy and feel better.

In conclusion, raw food diets for pets are great. They contain no artificial ingredients or preservatives and are easier to digest. It’s important to handle them properly, consult with your vet, and source from a reliable supplier. Your pet’s health, energy, and well-being will improve with a raw food diet.

The Boerboel Mastiff can eat a lot of raw foods


Boerboel Mastiffs are energetic. They need lots of energy and nutrients. Raw food diets meet these needs.

Boerboel Mastiffs eat raw meat, fruits, and vegetables. Muscle growth requires protein, especially Unleashing the Power of Raw Meat . However, fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Raw foods provide digestive and absorption enzymes for the Boerboel Mastiff. Cooking destroys these enzymes, making commercial dog food harder for dogs to absorb nutrients.

Raw foods lack artificial ingredients and preservatives, which can harm the Boerboel Mastiff. These ingredients make commercial dog food last longer but can cause obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

To avoid bacterial contamination, feed raw food properly. Consult your vet before changing your dog’s diet, especially if he’s sick or on medication.

Boerboel Mastiffs, big eaters, can gain weight and develop health problems if overfed.

Finally, raw foods give the Boerboel Mastiff nutrients and enzymes. For energy and nutrition, this large, active breed needs a variety of raw meats, fruits, and vegetables. Handle them properly, consult your vet, source from a reliable supplier, and monitor their food intake.

How much raw food should I feed a Boerboel?


Raw food for boerboel
How much should boerboel eat raw food?

Raw food is essential to feeding a Boerboel. Boerboels are big, active, and strong. They have high energy and nutritional needs.

Consider the Boerboel’s size, weight, and activity level when feeding raw food. Boerboels need 2-3% of their body weight in raw food daily.

A 100-pound Boerboel needs 2-3 pounds of raw food daily.

This is a general guideline, and each dog has different needs. Age, health, and activity level affect food intake. Talk to your vet about your Boerboel’s diet.

Monitor your Boerboel’s weight and body condition regularly and adjust its food intake. Overfeeding causes weight gain and health problems.

To avoid bacterial contamination, source and handle raw food from a reliable supplier.

In addition to providing the right amount of raw food, your Boerboel needs a balanced diet with a variety of meats, fruits, and vegetables to get all the nutrients they need.

Finally, determining how much raw food to feed a Boerboel depends on its size, weight, and activity level. Daily feeding should be 2-3% of their body weight. Consult your vet, monitor your Boerboel’s weight and condition, and adjust the amount of food. To ensure your Boerboel gets all the nutrients they need, feed them a balanced diet of meats, fruits, and vegetables.


Raw feeding offers many health benefits for dogs, including:

Raw feeding for dogs is a growing trend, and for good reason. It offers many health benefits for dogs that can help to improve their overall well-being. Some of the key benefits of raw feeding include:

  1. Improved digestion

    Raw food is more easily digestible than cooked or processed food. This means that dogs can absorb more of the nutrients from the food and are less likely to experience stomach upset or other digestive issues.

  2. Better dental health

    Chewing on raw bones can help to scrape away plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth, promoting better dental health.

  3. Shinier coat and healthier skin

    A diet rich in essential fatty acids, which are found in raw meats, can lead to a shiny coat and healthy skin.

  4. Increased energy and vitality

    Many dog owners report that their dogs have more energy and a better overall sense of well-being when fed a raw diet.

  5. Better weight management

    Raw food is typically lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein, which can help dogs to maintain a healthy weight.

  6. Reduced risk of chronic diseases

    A diet free from artificial ingredients and preservatives can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

Feeding raw food, especially from unreliable sources, requires proper handling, storage, and preparation to avoid bacterial contamination. Before changing your dog’s diet, especially if he’s sick or on medication, consult with your vet.

In conclusion, raw feeding dogs improves digestion, dental health, skin and coat, energy and vitality, weight management, and chronic disease risk. Handle it properly, consult your vet, and source from a reliable supplier. A raw food diet can improve your dog’s health, energy, and well-being.

Best raw food diet for Boerboel Should Include.

When it comes to providing the best raw food diet for Boerboels, it’s important to make sure that the diet is well balanced and includes a variety of different foods. Some of the key foods that should be included in a raw food diet for Boerboels include:

  1. Meat

    Boerboels are carnivorous animals and require a diet that is high in protein. A variety of raw meats, such as beef, chicken, turkey, and fish, should be included in the diet to provide a balance of essential amino acids.

  2. Organs

    Organs such as liver, kidney, and heart are rich in vitamins and minerals and should be included in the diet in small amounts.

  3. Bones

    Raw meaty bones are an excellent source of calcium and other minerals, as well as providing dental benefits.

  4. Fruits and vegetables

    Fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, apples, and broccoli, provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals, including antioxidants, which are important for maintaining overall health.

  5. Eggs

    Eggs are an excellent source of protein and essential fatty acids and can be fed raw or lightly cooked.

Specially cooked bones can splinter and cause blockages or internal injuries in dogs. Therefore, use raw meaty bones from a reliable supplier and supervise your boerboel while they chew on them.

Boerboels thrive on animal-specific foods. Your dog may change immediately.

Before changing your Boerboel’s diet, especially if it’s sick or on medication, consult with your vet. Remember that each Boerboel’s nutritional needs depend on age, activity level, and health. Talk to your vet about your Boerboel’s diet.

It’s also crucial to feed the right amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. A balanced homemade raw diet or a commercial raw diet designed for large breeds like the Boerboel can do this.

Finally, monitor your Boerboel’s weight and body condition and adjust their food intake to ensure proper nutrition.

In conclusion, a balanced raw food diet for Boerboels should include meats, organs, bones, fruits, vegetables, and eggs. Use raw meaty bones from a reliable supplier, consult with your veterinarian, balance the diet, monitor your Boerboel’s weight and body condition, and adjust the amount of food. A raw food diet improves your Boerboel’s health, energy, and well-being.

Best raw food diet for Boerboels Raw Feeding From Puppy To Adult


Raw feeding a Boerboel from puppyhood to adulthood provides optimal nutrition.

Puppies need a high-protein, vitamin- and mineral-rich diet to grow. Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and minerals, while raw meats like beef, chicken, and turkey provide protein. Bones, especially raw meaty bones, provide calcium and other minerals and promote dental health.

As they grow, Boerboel puppies’ diets change. Adult Boerboels need a high-protein diet with vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. These needs can be met by raw meats, organs, fruits, vegetables, and eggs.

Balanced protein, fat, and carbohydrate diets are essential. This can be done with a balanced homemade or commercial raw diet for large breeds like the Boerboel.

Feeding raw food, especially from unreliable sources, requires proper handling, storage, and preparation to avoid bacterial contamination. If your dog is sick or on medication, consult your vet before changing his diet.

In conclusion, Boerboels’ best raw food diet should include meats, organs, bones, fruits, vegetables, and eggs. It’s important to balance the diet, handle the food properly, consult with your veterinarian, source from a reputable supplier, and monitor your Boerboel’s weight and body condition to adjust the diet.

Overall Boerboel Well-Being


Boerboels must be happy and healthy. With proper nutrition, exercise, and veterinary checkups, a Boerboel can live long and healthy.

Boerboels need good food. Protein-rich, vitamin-rich diets are healthy. Boerboels excel on raw food. Raw meats, organs, fruits, vegetables, and eggs can satisfy Boerboel. Your vet should check the diet’s protein, fat, and carbohydrate ratio.

Boerboels require exercise. Active boerboels need daily exercise. Boerboels must exercise daily.

Boerboels need regular vet visits. Regular check-ups allow your veterinarian to identify and treat health issues.

Socialization, mental and physical stimulation, and training make Boerboels well-behaved.

In conclusion, to fully nurture and raise a healthy Boerboel, it is imperative to provide them with the right nutrition, regular exercise, veterinary care, socialization, mental and physical stimulation, and training. By fulfilling these essential needs, you can ultimately unleash the full potential of your Boerboel and give them the best quality of life. Good health requires a high-protein, vitamin, and mineral diet, and a raw food diet is best. Boerboels need exercise and playtime. Boerboels can live long, healthy lives with regular veterinary checkups, socialization, mental and physical stimulation, and training.


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