Exotic Boerboels

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Best time to Breed A Boerboel

When is the optimal age to breed a Boerboel Dog?


Indeed, both male and female Boerboel dogs can breed when they reach sexual maturity, which is often a year or right before they turn a year old. This is the optimum age for breeding dogs!!. Fertility is not a simple matter of yes or no.

The fertility of South African Boerboel dogs and determining when a dog is the most likely to reproduce relies on many aspects, including the health, size, age, and sex of a canine. An example is that small dog breeds lack sexual fertility and don’t produce as many puppies in a litter as the giant breeds, such as African Boerboels.

This essay does not concern itself with when bitches go into heat, how many times you can breed a stud dog, or whether you can breed a male twice in a row. 

This article focuses on the sexual development of canines, whether male or female, and the three distinct phases.

  • Age when it is premature 9 months
  • The time when it is already too late 18 months
  • Best for Breeders when it is at its peak 12 -14 months

Female Boerboel dogs don’t go through menopause, although they experience a rapid decline in fertility after a certain age. Biggest problem is cyst begin to develop as the female ages. It is not best practice for a stud or dam owner to breed their animals when they are past their prime. The possibility of failure and an increased risk of stillbirths, and a low puppy count can occur.

Elements that affect the mating season of Boerboel Dogs

Elements among the genetic and environmental characteristics affect their fertility and reproductive capacity. Both the overall quality of a dog’s sexual reproductive organs (sperms, eggs, ovaries) and when in the Boerboel dog’s life does the quality of these reproductive organs reach its peak? For males, the Age is 18 months for females around 14 months.

Female Working Boerboel

South African Boerboel Dog’s Size

Boerboel’s reproductive cycle is an inherited biological trait passed down from its ancestors, For example, wolves reach sexual maturity by the age of two. Through selective breeding, human selection developed breeds in domesticating dogs.

Thus, it affects the reproductive cycle, thanks to genetic engineering used to generate certain breeds. The small, medium and large breeds have different ages of sexual maturity. The average is one year for all canines. However, the time frame varies significantly among breeds. However, it is best to say that the standard of a species is expected, as most of the dogs within that breed are likely to be the same size.

Type of Dogs

Male dogs, on average, enter sexual maturity earlier than female canines. At the very least, male Boerboel dogs can have sex sooner than female dogs, different from being sexually competent. Bitches generally start going into heat when they are around six months to a year old. Puppies can be sexually mature by the time they are five months old. Because they are more massive, large breed dogs tend to mature later in the female. A year or two may pass before the first heat in bitches of giant breeds.

After reaching sexual maturity, Boerboel dogs will mate. Early and late in a dog’s life, sperm quality and quantity will be lower. Aging, sickness, or exposure to chemicals may harm the viability and vitality of sperm.

The likelihood of sperm being able to fertilize an egg while also working and not too damaged to inseminate an egg indicates the overall viability of sperm. Motility or the capacity of sperm to move to and pierce the eggs are crucial for successful fertilization. Energy is diminished as dog’s age. Seminal fluid volume could be reduced due to problems like a swollen prostate. If you mate your dog too frequently, you can damage the number of sperm male produces.

Boerboel bitches will continue to have monthly cycles their entire lives, unlike women who suffer menopause. The lower the viability of a bitch’s eggs, however, the older she is. The factors mentioned above contribute to a bitch’s decreased fertility as she ages. Additionally, it is statistically more likely that a female dog would have genetic abnormalities towards the end of her life.

The health of the Boerboel Dogs

Mandowns Sheba
Mandowns Sheba

Two dogs can be the same size and breed but have different fertility levels. Reproductive tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases can impair fertility in both bitches and dogs, often reducing it to zero. South African Boerboels could be rendered sterile by testicular or ovarian tumors. And also, some kinds of cancers, such as lymphoma, might cause a dog to become infertile. Any dog may have genetic mutations.

There are also those dogs who are less reproductive for reasons we don’t understand. Various factors such as diet, weight, and unknown genetic makeup can all contribute to unsuccessful breedings. Boerboel dog’s temperament or attitude may make certain dogs inclined to mate behavior and breeding success.

When is it not an ideal time to have puppies?

Since puppies are still growing, they will not be sexually mature.

Two-year-old bitches should be bred before any others. Small litters and stillbirths are more prone to occur in bitches that aren’t fully grown. To have the best results, bitches should have one regular heat cycle before their first breeding. Also, bitches that are not fully grown yet will have more difficulty giving birth. They are more likely to suffer from problems like dystocia, which can lead to an emergency C-section. Surgery to birth pups is risky because not only is the surgery itself complex but also because of the complications that appear from using hazardous anesthetic drugs. These risks can all be avoided by allowing a bitch to become sexually mature before becoming pregnant, i.e., careful breeding.

Slow Contrrolled growth is best.

The best way to avoid excessive growth, avoid breeding overly large-breed male dogs. For enormous males, completing their development is of critical before breeding. Hip and elbow dysplasia are more frequent in larger breeds, and heart conditions are also more common. A dog will not experience these challenges until it has attained its full-grown size. Wobbler’s syndrome and hip/elbow dysplasia are two hereditary issues that may not be ideal choices for breeding since they result in the dog not growing correctly. OFA certification is not issued until a dog is at least two years old. A bitch owner who does not have OFA certification for a stud before breeding may be endangering the male, but their main concern should be a valuable bitch and her litter of puppies.

South African Boerboel dogs must have been eight months old or older when they gave birth. Similarly, the sire must have been seven months old or older at the time of conception. The AKC considers the ages listed here as minimum ages for responsibly breeding dogs. It is not their strong suit, and animal rights enthusiasts are put off by it. It is also difficult for breeders to gather information on their dogs’ health since they are too so young.

Is it too late, SENIOR?

Female Boerboels are not sterile as they age, and they do not experience menopause. Bitches suffer an overall reduction in health as they age, and their litter sizes diminish. The likelihood of stillbirths and genetic disorders also increases. Bitches delayed reproducing after the third year are more likely to develop pyometra, a life-threatening uterine infection. Another view is that dogs can safely have as many litters as they like over their lifetimes. The maximum allowed litter size in the U.K. is six litters, and efforts are being made to reduce that number to four. The extent to which this strategy is due to sound veterinary science or political maneuvering is ambiguous. Additionally, the UKC prohibits bitches older than eight years to mate. Bitches and studs more than 12 years of age at mating cannot register their litters with the AKC.

Aging male dogs may experience difficulties with mounting. For male canines, arthritis increases the agony of mating. 

Discontinued breeding when litter size drops. He is a stud, so it is better to freeze his semen when he is at his prime than to breed him at 13 years old.

The prime breeding time for dogs: the best breeders.

While it is difficult to determine the optimal breeding time for dogs precisely, an excellent period would be when the age, health, and reproductive fitness of the bitch and dog are at their optimum to produce. Many healthy puppies while also minimizing any potential harm to the bitch and dog (during mating, pregnancy, and nursing.)

In general, dogs of medium-sized or larger breeds have less time to produce a large litter than more miniature and toy breeds. 


When big-sized females reach their total reproductive capacity earlier, they enjoy a shorter productive life. Serious illnesses like cancer can also add to the number of years that certain large breeds can reproduce.

Larger dog breeds take longer to reach sexual maturity, experience longer heat cycles, and produce more puppies than smaller breeds, resulting in far less productivity. The UKC and good sense hold that the upper limit for large female dogs’ entire litter is four puppies.

A large dog will have puppies at two, four, five, and six months of age. She is eight years old, and female makes her a senior dog, and not all of those older female dogs can maintain a pregnancy. The bitch’s and her puppies’ risk of life-threatening illnesses like eclampsia becomes greater as she aged.


Outlaw the Boerboel
Outlaw the Boerboel

Dogs can procreate for their entire lives, including those who are male. The genetics of a well-nourished dog should be transferable. Dogs of advanced age should regularly have their prostate gland examined due to the widespread occurrence of this medical issue in senior male pets.

As dogs grow older, they are more likely to encounter disease and infection. Some illnesses are asymptomatic. A litter of puppies could suffer from nothing short of devastation even though the condition is symptomless. A spontaneous miscarriage, abortion, or puppy stillbirth can result from the disease. Though the condition is treatable, it’s not common. 

Think Of It

Females must receive quality veterinarian care for the pregnant dog and her puppies during the female’s prime reproductive years. Women who are expecting should avoid unnecessary exposure to drugs and chemicals in the environment (i.e., cheap diets and dodgy health supplements.)

1 thought on “Best time to Breed A Boerboel”

  1. Good day,

    Based on what I read are you saying that the best time to breed a female (?Boerboel) is at 12 months?
    But then you said that 2 year old Bitches must be bred before any others.

    Could you clarify, as we thought the entire article was about Boerboels only.

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