Exotic Boerboels

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Training Boerboel Dogs and Puppies

A combination of training for Boerboels

The following are the various phases of mental development in weeks 0 – 7:


Early-Training of Boerboel Puppies

The Boerboel puppy is playing with its siblings and mother. While she is still a puppy, she learns about social interactions, play, and how to keep aggression in check by watching her mother and siblings. Pups must never be removed from their mother or siblings at that time. During that time, the puppy is taught the single most crucial lesson of their life – to accept discipline.

Boerboel puppies that don’t get teeth until they are four weeks old have a two-week-longer teething period. Without teeth, they are unable to learn biting inhibition.

Around 7 to 12 weeks

Human socialization

The optimal time for the puppy to join its new family is during this period. At this point, the puppy’s brain waves are the same as those of an adult dog, but they are less adept at concentrating and maintaining alertness for a lengthy amount of time. The puppy will learn everything most quickly, and the puppy’s learning will be permanent. That is, now is the ideal time to teach your dog to obey. Training should be set up in an upbeat, non-punishing style, and students’ short attention spans should be kept in mind. Using 30- to 60-second sessions, multiple times a day helps to prioritize the training.

Additionally, this time is an ideal opportunity to expose the puppy to the various situations it may face in the future. Your puppy should meet different individuals (elderly, toddlers, women with enormous hats, guys with beards, etc.) in various places (in the car, on the bus, while walking in the woods, in the city, etc.). Do this in a friendly and non-threatening way by introducing your dog immediately. This type of Boerboel training is key socialization.

8 – 11 weeks

Our puppies are scared of nothing.

To avoid frightening your Boerboels, introduce unfamiliar things in a slow controlled way. All highly stressful, traumatic, scary, or painful experiences will have a more lasting effect than if they had happened during any other episode in the puppy’s life. If you have to travel to the vet’s, do everything you can to make the trip enjoyable and stress-free. If things go wrong, it’s a good idea to have a toy and rewards with you. Because this event frightens your dog, it may never trust the vet again.

A 13- to 16-week period

The puppy delivers 

Over the next few weeks, your puppy will question your authority. A refusal to play hard or be dominated by a puppy is of the utmost importance. It would help if you were firm as a leader. It’s high time for you to begin obedience training if you haven’t already started, so put greater emphasis on it.

Between 4 and 8 months

Age of defiance

Now the puppy will stop paying attention to you. Puppies must be walked on a leash during this critical period. How you treat and train your dog now will have a significant impact on his obedience later. Your Boerboel puppy will shed its milk teeth at Boerboel Puppy4 to 5 months of age and see the permanent ones grow in. To chew effectively, give the puppy lots of bones to gnaw on (different kinds of chewing toys such as kong and even chewing bones). Until it is six to ten months old, the puppy’s teeth won’t be able to grow properly into the puppy’s jaw bone. Your puppy is going to be very possessive till then.

Between 6 and 14 months

 An anxious dog may have trouble coming up to someone or anything. So,  you should appear calm and objective in this type of situation. It would be best if you never forced the dog to face a circumstance. Don’t make any unnecessary noise or pet the dog! This dog thinks this is an opportunity to be scared. Training helps dogs gain confidence and allows them to execute activities more quickly, so they never fail. Neutering your dog is recommended if you had wanted to do so before the period in question.

Between 1 and 4 years

The Boerboel dog develops

In addition to their altitude sickness, your dog may have an aggression problem, one that challenges your role as a leader. Training should continue during this time.

Training the Boerboel breed

It is essential to train your Boerboel differently than you would train any other dog. 

Boerboels are a breed apart from other dogs.

Though their behavior might vary, canines tend to be docile and amenable to commands. But this needs to be done to avoid them acting like wild animals and getting into trouble.

The Boerboel’s double duty as a guard dog makes it evident to protect and fight when necessary. A dog’s training involves much work because they are so easy to read, with their willingness to follow their owner’s commands as well as their unwillingness to comply with instructions when they’re not in the mood.

Because of this, a Boerboel dog owner must work hard to train their dog to become social, not overly violent, and attack only when necessary, i.e., without causing injury or death.

This article provides information on how to train a Boerboel using the best practices and additional specifics on accomplishing it.

1. Communicate:

Communication is vital to establish a good relationship with either people or animals. Dogs are incredibly rapid learners, and they generally follow any command their master gives. They are selective about whether they follow orders until they comprehend them. Training Boerboels to respond to your directions appropriately. Also is communication, it is crucial to establish a solid verbal relationship with it.

2. Show:

Next, demonstrate what you’re teaching it. People are often dismissive of this topic, even though it’s critical. You may employ the following tactics to get the dog to display itself:

To make it clear how to do something, do it first.

Allow it to comply with safety measures in place so that it understands the word or instruction.

3. Practice:

A lot of fun maybe had when practicing with your pet. And, it would be best if you strived to make it entertaining and stimulate the dog as well. You can issue commands to the dog while performing the same task. Also, one should repeat a training session for at least 3 weeks to give the dog a chance to memorize it thoroughly.

4. Test:

After you’ve finished your training, you can check to see if you are ready to move on to testing. However, test the dog in a crowded environment because of the various distractions. First, try training your dog at home, take it to a park, etc., to gauge what it has learned.

Purchase any required accessories:

Items like Boerboel’s favorite food and toys used for training should be carried around so that the activities remain entertaining and enjoyable.


It is important to remember that a Boerboel puppy is capable of quickly learning and dominating any adversary. Though it should be done with safety clothing like gloves, it is essential to remember that you should gear yourself with such items. It is because your dog can become agitated after the training session, and it is particularly true if your dog is of a violent breed, a violent breed by nature.

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