Exotic Boerboels

How Do You Train A Boerboel Dog | Boerboel Training

Training Boerboel puppies can be quite easy or difficult depending on the individual dog. Some Boerboels are very trainable. Others are stubborn and independent. Boerboels that have been properly socialized, raised in a stable environment with love and discipline will usually be easier to train than those who have gotten the short end of the stick. such as Boerboels who have been neglected or Boerboels who have gotten little to no social training at all.

Training Boerboels with a history of aggression is can be very difficult since Boerboels will respect and take instruction from people they see as superior and pack leaders. Basically, if you show Boerbos that YOU are the pack leader then Boerboels will usually follow your lead. If not they will become a Boerboel who constantly challenges your authority and Boerboels with this type of attitude are generally unsafe around humans, dogs, and other pets.

In modern society, Boerboels have been used as guard dogs by Boerboel breeders businesses, and families who own Boerboels. If you plan on using your Boerboel as a Boerboel guard dog then you have two options:

You can take your Boerboel to Boerboel guard dog training. Boerboel guard dog training will help your Boerboel become a more sociable and obedient Boerboels which will allow them to interact with

Use intensive Boerboel training methods, not harsh but effective. Be patient, understanding and consistent. Boerboels need plenty of exercises; make sure you Boerboel gets at least 1 hour of exercise a day. Boerboels love to play, especially with kids and Boerboel puppies. Boerboel food is usually not a problem when you have a Boerboel puppy, Boerbos usually eat anything they are served.

 Boerboel dogs are well-behaved, intelligent, and fearless. These pets love humans and want to play games as a pastime. They thrive on solid leadership. As one would expect, it is necessary to train African Boerboel dogs gets along well with children and is sensitive to instruction. A well-bred dog will be very protective of its […]

Why Should You Train African Boerboel Dogs? Read More »

Here’s a first look at what one of our members said about our weekly group dog training sessions. We work on seeing improvements each session, for instance, our member already reached some goals she had for her dog. We work with multiple dogs at a time and yet we still give each dog individual attention

Review of Group Dog Training Sessions Read More »

Are you having troubles in training your African Boerboel dogs? We are happy to let you know that we have a team of experts to handle this matter. You can entrust to us your love puppies and pets. We ensure for authentic result to satisfy your desire. Now Offering Trained Exotic Boerboels – Dog Talk

We Train African Boerboel Dogs and Puppies: Read More »

Your morning brew, hot or ice, however, you like it best- take it with you. Keep a brisk pace and enjoy the walk. Boerboel on Couch No better company for fresh air in the neighborhood and, sometimes, the most amazing conversation. tell us what time & where to bring the babies: we are there, Hayes

Boerboel friends on a leash Read More »

#1 Family guard dog African Boerboel The Boerboel originates from South Africa and has earned the trust of the natives, but may have some work to do in America. Because of the dog’s massive appearance, Americans may be hesitant to trust the Boerboel as a family guard dog. However, compared to popular choices for Americans in

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Training Boerboels begins with focus The foundation of training any Boerboel has to be focus and attention. Regardless of the breed, age, size, weight, or height focus and attention to the handler is the foundation. All dogs necessary foundation of instruction must be focus. To train your African Boerboel focus, we recommend using a 20-foot long

How to train your African Boerboel Read More »