Exotic Boerboels

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The Biggest African Boerboels?

The Biggest African Boerboels are not the healthiest

One of the biggest health risks facing African Boerboels as a whole is obesity

It is essential to realize illness that relates to obesity. It does not only affect humans. But it also affects dogs, Including the biggest breeds like African Boerboel.

Singularly, let’s focus on South African Boerboel’s in particular. In this case, there are several health risks that associate with being obese. With this in mind, we point out ways to identify canine obesity. So, proper techniques for feeding to avoid canine obesity and encourage optimum health in dogs.

Whenever I hear people brag about their dog being over 150 lbs plus pounds I worry for our breed. Remember a fat, unhealthy Boerboel is not worth bragging. You are introducing your dog to death.

The Boerboel is a large dog breed! A large dog does not mean become as large as possible. I am 5 feet11 inches and approximately 220 pounds. My frame could support 350 to 400 pounds. 400 lb is not the ideal healthy weight for me? I prefer to be around 200 lb of lean muscled and fit. Even if I could be a large bodybuilder size, then, it is not always healthier. This post will supply you with the information you need to keep your dog in peak fitness and health.

Exotic Boerboel’s provides you with information to combat obesity.

 Have a healthy happy life with your African Boerboel dog or puppy. 

Let’s explore some of the health risks to associate with an obese dog. One of the most significant issues to canine obesity is joint issues. There are several health risks to relate with overweight. It is including diabetes meticulous or sugar diabetes, heart disease, increased blood pressure, difficulty breathing, and decreased stamina. Furthermore, it could be for reproductive problems, digestive disorders, skin and coat issues. Also, reduces immune function, reduced quality and length of life, and increased cancer risk.

Canine Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolism disorder. Canine diabetes comes from an imbalance in the relationship between glucose and insulin. Here is how it works.

Glucose is the vital nutrient that supplies energy to the body.

 Glucose comes from food that we eat from sugars. It is extracted from the intestines and transported around the body by the blood. Insulin is a manager in this two-part process; first, the pancreas releases insulin into the body. Second, insulin then tells cells to ingest glucose out of the bloodstream.

 There are two types of diabetes, but only one is frequently occurring in obese African Boerboels, insulin resistant diabetes. In insulin-resistant diabetes, insulin is produced; however, it is not utilized the way it is supposed to be.

Diabetes affects the body in two ways. The main one causes cells to become thirsty for energy. The body begins to break down its fats and proteins to use as alternative energy.

High levels of sugar in the bloodstream act as a toxic poison. As a result, the toxin causes damage to the kidneys, eyes, heart, blood vessels, and nerves.


Dogs who have osteoarthritis on many occasions get it from being obese. And not just older dogs suffer from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs in puppies and dogs as young as 2- 6 months.

Osteoarthritis is a severe issue because there’s no cure. It can only be slowed down. Dogs will have osteoarthritis, and the owner may not know until it very bad because pain tolerance is their instinct.

 African Boerboels have a high tolerance for pain so you may never know that the dog has osteoarthritis until it is too late.

One of the main symptoms of and most significant indicators of canine osteoarthritis is being less active. You will notice that the dog may maintain a low to moderate level of activity even post weight loss. Some studies suggest it is something passed down generationally; however, most cases are due to massive overeating.

An astonishing 10 to 12 million dogs in the United States have osteoarthritis. Debilitating osteoarthritis stiffens the cartilage in the dog’s joints. However, regular exercise along with healthy eating habits will contribute to your dogs better joint health.

African Boerboels who exercise regularly will live longer lives. 

Swimming is one of the best vigorous activity for the joints because it keeps the joints mobile and is suitable for all canines. When our dogs swim it gives them a high health fitness level, and everybody loves a muscular Boerboel.

We feed and recommend blueberries as an excellent way to stop inflammation as inflammation is also a cause of osteoarthritis. The superpower blueberries natural antioxidants is a great way clear the “inflammation rust” off your dog’s body, and there is also non-steroidal and inflammatory medication to slow down osteoarthritis as an alternative.the biggest

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