Exotic Boerboels

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best dog food

Best Dog Food

Puppy food must be rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to support proper growth.

Essential nutrients your Boerboel puppy will need are listed below.

Proteins are essential for the development of tissues, organs, muscles, and other critical bodily structures. And so, they also help to keep you healthy. More than 25% of the ration’s proteins must be of exceptional quality.
Additionally, glucides have a significant impact on the health of your Boerboel puppy’s growth. One of the ingredients found in cereals is quinoa.
Essential fatty acids are necessary for both the nervous and immune systems to develop.

Must Know the Best Dog Food

Vitamins and minerals are necessary for bone health.
Since you’ll be ensuring your Boerboel puppy gets everything he needs, you should ask several questions first.
Which diet should I go on?
How to determine which is best for my puppy?
To cook food, select one of the following options: uncooked meats (BARF), homemade meals (family food), or croquettes (dry dog food).

Barf Diet

You can use this diet for pups. We present BARF diet for Boerboel.
A diet made chiefly of raw beef with small amounts of pasta, rice, and vegetables is part of the BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diet. A puppy’s food would be appropriate if you can properly provide their needs.

BARF diet provides several advantages for Boerboel puppies.
Even as puppies, Boerboel dogs love to consume meat. In order for a puppy to properly establish his bones, ligaments, and muscles, he must grow slowly. WITH A NATURAL DIET BASED ON RAW MEAT AND VEGETABLES, THE PUPPY ENCOURAGES A CRUEL AND UNNECESSARY SURGERY.

Under the BARF program’s guidelines, Boerboel puppies are to be fed 6 to 8 percent of their body weight in 3 or 4 meals until they are six months old.

BARF diet has disadvantages for Boerboel puppies.
Because the BARF diet includes uncooked meat, it increases the risk of blockage and choking in puppies. Bacteriological concerns may also occur if the heart is of inferior quality. Because of this, your Boerboel is at risk of contracting salmonellosis or other poisonous agents.

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