Exotic Boerboels

Exotic African Boerboel Breeders Logo

Barbarians/GOTTIXROSS Bagheera

LOCATION : Nebraska
WEGHT : 152
COLOR : Black
BUILD : Muscular Limber Athletic Fit
SEX : Black Male
OWNER : Jerald Parker

Barbarian Mount Royal

Consistency and firmness are two words that come to mind while thinking about African Boerboel Bagheera. Since these two terms are necessary for a Boerboel breed to behave with human households.

Do you know that is a strong-willed breed in the pack? Thus, he needs an assertive owner who will assert his dominance. As a result, regular training sessions are required. You must insist on him obeying commands at all times.

Do You Know African Boerboel?

A Boerboel provides a lot of affection, pleasure, and delight, as well as a sense of security. However, it also comes with duties, the most essential of having the information necessary to make an informed decision.

Second, talk to office bearers, breeders, and members to learn as much as you can about the Boerboel and breed standards. Visit as many breeders and meet as many pets as possible at assessment days or other events in your area. Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Owning one comes with a lot of responsibility like any large Boerboel breed dog, and owners must commit to raising a well-adjusted and balanced canine. It can be more demanding and require more time, effort, and training than a small or medium-sized dog, and owners should be conscious of the risk of harm and damage that any large breed dog can do. Guardians will not be held liable for any property or personal injury caused by your dog. It is your ongoing responsibility as a dog owner to ensure that your dog is kept safe, appropriately regulated and supervised in public, as well as when the dog is among children or strangers.

The bone structure of this large pet is compelling, with a blocky skull, well-developed musculature, and a short length. Male Boerboels are larger and more balanced than female ones. They are pretty easy to groom, and all they require is a monthly cut. The coat is short, coarse, lustrous, silky, and smooth.  Also, they are witty, engaging, and devoted. They’re also fantastic with kids.

I met this stunning male Boerboel at the Boerboel Expo 2019 in Indiana. He is owned by Jerald Parker+1(402) 217-4805. Bagheera is just over a year old and has quite a bit of growing to do. His coat is deep rich black and absorbs light. He shines even in the darkness. A shockingly beautiful dog!!!!
Our ideal style of Boerboel. An all-Black Male South African Boerboel we are expecting puppies off of Jan5 from the meeting between him and Koda. I met Bagheera at the Indiana Boerboel and was impressed by his athleticism lean body style and magnificent black coat. Bagheera movement is fluid and effortless. As if he walks on air his feet barely touch the ground. On top of his movement Bagheera has great proportions. It is not often you find a dog like him the are very rare. I traveled all the way deep in the heartland of Lincoln Nebraska to breed Koda to him. Accepting deposits on his puppies now!