Exotic Boerboels

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Mysterious Black and Tan Boerboels

The black and Tan Boerboel

Have you seen the Black and Tan Boerboel color varieties

  • Can you prove South African Boerboels that have the color variations of a Rottweiler or Doberman Pinscher are real Boerboels through DNA?
  • How do we all of a sudden begin to see black and tan Boerboels coming from brown Boerboels?
  • Where does the black and tan gene come from?
  • How do we get black and tan genes in the boerboel?

Yes Black and Tan Boerboels have been confirmed thru DNA

They are verified through the DNA profile to be 100 percent Boerboel. However, the boerboel DNA profile is incomplete. Therefore they are still building the database of the gene pool. Many dogs qualify as DNA profiled boerboels as long as their DNA does not contain other “known” breeds. Boerboels genetic make is from at least 14 known purebreds, making them a complex mixture of DNA. The DNA profile of the South African Boerboel is not clearly defined. The result is many mastiff mixes could be classified as the pure Boerboel if the original stock has enough common relatives.Similarly, there is controversy surrounding the DNA of Black South African Boerboels. On several occasions, we have had examples of black boerboels DNA test results in as100% pure boerboels. The Boerboel is a modern cross. Breeders, who initially had revealed the black stock, explained the genes as recessive. Yet the Frequency of the black puppies in litters grew. A recessive gene supposedly causes the Black and tan gene in the boerboel. I call into question that because how can a recessive gene occur at such a high frequency. Just as with the black, the black and tan are not recessive. It is dominant.

Black and Tan Dogs Exist is many dog breeds.

We see the black and tan color patterns in many breeds. The originators of the South African Boerboels Breed told you upfront that the Boerboels is a result of purely breeding only the dogs that would do the task at hand best. The only dogs that were produced by the original pioneers of the South African Boerboel Breed were the dogs that could perform on the farm. Back then, they included any Boerboel that could do the job better. Were other breeds were defined more specifically, for example, the hound class of dogs of the retrievers. Boerboels were the dogs that the farmers had during the period. They used dogs that fulfilled their purpose. Additionally, Black and Tan Boerboel color dogs offered good fresh genetics to a limited gene pool.

Black and Tan Boerboels come from Brown And Red Boerboels

We must questions a completely unknown color appearing from nowhere when it had not done so before? New colors arise in a breed when breeders include other dog breeds. I suspect that the breeders in South Africa who produced colors varieties of dog not included in the original standard used the dog breeds to get the desired colors. And I don’t care. The black and tan Boerboels are beautiful and have been tested for all of the doubters to be pure Boerboels. Maybe after you breed so many times back into a breed, you could wipe away traces of the cross. Who can tell you how they did it is the breeders themselves. Who are the breeders that produced the original Black and Tan Boerboels? I want to thank them and congratulate them for creating such a fine boerboel.

If you are just looking for a Black and Tan Dog there are many breeds.

Black and Tan’s exist in many different varieties of dogs. Mastiffs and Guard dogs are some of the most recognized and widely know breeds. However, Black and tan breeds include:

  • Jagd Terrier
  • Dachshund
  • Black and Tan Coon Hound
  • Beauceron
  • Doberman Pinscher
  • Rottweilers
  • Miniature Pinschers
  • German Shepherds
  • Chihuahua
  • American Bullies
  • Manchester terriers
  • Yorkshire terriers
  • Pitbull terriers
  • American Bulldogs
  • Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs
  • Shiba Inu
  • Bull Terriers
  • The Basenji
  • And many others not listed

The reason for the markings is

Someone wanted to create a different color Boerboel dog. The result would be an f1 black and tan boerboel cross. I suspect that those black and tan crosses were then actively selected for and bred into boerboel until they had a dog who closely resembled the Boerboels with the black and tan markings and the Black and tan boerboel was born. I have no proof or any facts to back up my claim, but how else do you explain this phenomenon? What I do know for a fact is that there has to be a logical explanation as to why some boerboel breeders are producing Black and tan Boerboels, and others are not if we all are breeding dog origination from the same gene pool.

Our Breeding Philosophy

Once a registering authority has identified a dog, it then has to pass our visual test. We have our appraisal scoring process, and we give a high priority to athleticism temperament health and physique. Color patterns are of the least importance to us as our focus at Exotic Boerboels in functional performance oriented boerboels. In our program, no dog is included strictly on the criteria of color. Far too many dog breeds are already failing. Blame the people with dogs breeding with no regard to temperament health and physical abilities. How can you say you are a South African Boerboel Breeder bettering the strain if you do not have Health and temperament at the top of your breeding priorities?

1 thought on “Mysterious Black and Tan Boerboels”

  1. Hi!
    My name is Deangelo.And I am looking for a Black and Tan boerboe Dog so can I help me with that

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