Exotic Boerboels

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Best Raw Food Diet For Boerboel Dogs and Puppies

The Boerboel Mastiff can eat a lot of raw foods


The use of meat as a primary source of nutrition for dogs can increase health by boosting their energy levels and helping them grow. Boerboel diets for dogs must contain approximately 75-80% of the total amount of protein. Mastiffs need to be fed mainly meat and bone. The following article will provide information about Boerboel Mastiff puppies and adult food intake, including nutritional requirements for each.

With so many options it can be confusing. What is best- kibble, barf diet, raw fed? This blog post will discuss all of these different types of diets and their pros and cons. Including the ultimate raw food diet, the best dog food. We’ll cover kibble first since it is the most popular type of diet for dogs in America today.

This is a great article that covers what you need to know about kibble feeding versus barfing or feeding raw food! We also dispel popular beliefs and raw meat alarms regarding raw meat, poultry bones, raw organ meat, the digestive system, raw fruit and vegetables, raw edible bones, and achieving optimum health.

Kibble feeding

Dry Kibble

The most popular way to feed dogs in America since the industrial revolution. It is a convenient and easy-to-use food for all dog breeds and comes in a variety of flavors and brands that your Boerboel puppy will love. However, kibble diets have some drawbacks. First, they are often high in carbohydrates and low in digestible protein, which can be harmful to your dog’s health.

Kibble diets

are also not ideal for dogs with sensitive stomachs or allergies, due to ingredients that kibbles contain like corn and soy. Kibble feeding has also been linked to gum disease in our canine friends because kibble is fortified with yummy sweeteners it can get stuck on a boerboel puppy’s teeth leading to tartar buildup which leads to gingivitis.

Dry dog foods are sprayed with vitamins to make up for nutrients lost in the cooking process. The sprayed-on vitamins are for the most part synthetic and less absorbable than natural nutrients and minerals. Boerboel Dogs and puppies do not need these fortified nutrients in their dog food to thrive. Boerboels like the wolf are omnivores but thrive on proteins and amino acids from an all-meat diet.

puppy with a flower background

What you can expect when feeding your Boerboel dog-puppy raw is a healthy shine in your animals’ appearance, a happier attitude, excellent muscle tone, and definition reduced body odor, healthy weight, and small stools.

The appropriate protein source is animal muscle meat because Boerboel dogs-puppies are intended to get their protein from prey animal’s bodies.

Many people are now switching to barf diets, which is a diet that mimics the way dogs ate before kibble was invented. Barf diets are made up of raw meat, bones, and organs, and they provide your dog with all the nutrients he needs in order to be healthy. The main benefit of barf diets is that they are extremely digestible, so they are great for dogs with sensitive stomachs or allergies.

Raw food diets

Are becoming more and more popular as people learn about the benefits of feeding their dog a diet that is closer to what he would eat in the wild. A raw fed diet consists of raw meat, bones, and organs, all of which are designed to mimic the way dogs ate before kibble was invented. Raw diets have been linked with a reduction in allergic reactions because they only contain one ingredient instead of several ingredients that kibbles sometimes have contained within them. The raw food diet also provides the boerboel breed with healthy fats to regulate their bodily functions, and help with nutrient absorption.

The best most complete readily available food for South African Boerboels in the USA is chicken leg quarters. Chicken Leg Quarters available at Walmart or Save A lot in 10 lb bags for about are an excellent value for the serious Boerboel owner. Leg Quarters have fat, animals muscles meat, and raw bone in the perfect ratios. It should be fed RAW with the BONE-IN. I know it may sound strange, but this is what I do. First, I take my dog outside. Second, I toss the chicken leg quarters on the ground. Finally, I watch the dog or puppy eat until full.

raw meat black background

Essential Fatty Acids Boerboel Puppies Energy Source

Every living cell in your dog’s body needs essential fatty acids (EFA’s), which help support healthy skin, hair, joints, and hearts. EFA’s must be fed raw and unheated. Good food sources of EFA’s include fish, fish oil, poultry, animal fat, vegetable oils, dark green vegetables, eggs, raw nuts, and seeds. Fats are the best source of species-appropriate energy (body fuel) and are used like carbohydrates by giant breed dogs

boerboel dog eats raw meat

Raw fed the best boerboel diet

Also, benefit your dog’s dental health by removing tartar buildup from kibble that can become caught in teeth. The kibble doesn’t fall out of the dog’s mouth when he eats it, but only a raw bone is soft enough to dissolve after they’re consumed and therefore doesn’t cause any problems with the digestive tract or teeth.


  • Do kibble diets have benefits? Yes
  • Are kibbles high in carbohydrates and low in protein harmful to dogs? Yes
  • Is kibble feeding linked with gum disease because it contains ingredients like corn and soy which can cause tartar buildup? Yes
  • Is cooked bone a danger to dogs? Yes
  • Does raw dieting benefit your dog’s dental health by removing tartar buildup from kibble caught in teeth?
  • Can a South African Boerboel puppy eat raw salmon? Yes, Raw salmon is a great source of omega 3s. Best served as coarse mince meat.
  • Do kibble diets have a lot of benefits? – Yes, they are convenient and easy to use. They come in many flavors that your dog will love.
  • Are kibbles high in carbohydrates and low in protein harmful to dogs? – Yes, kibble diets that are high in carbohydrates and low in protein can be harmful to your dog’s health.
  • Is buried meat safe for my South African Boerboel to eat? In most cases, buried meat will not cause your dog harm as they have a scavenger digestive tract that is very acidic.

Raw meaty bones are the best chew toy for a boerboel puppy

Eating raw meaty bones is best for boerboel dogs and puppies because this is the diet that nature intended. Rawbone provides essential nutrients from the prey animal’s stomach. Meat fat bones and organs allow dogs a high rate of digestion. In this natural form of diet for meat-eaters, we see puppies that chew more resulting in healthier teeth and gums. Prey-model feeding is the way to go if you want your Boerboel to live a long, healthy life free from degenerative diseases.

Raw bones are best for a large breed puppy chew toy. To allow dogs a high rate of digestion feed raw foods. In this natural form of diet, we see puppies that chew more resulting in healthier teeth and gums.

The raw dog food diet has become increasingly popular over the years. There are many reasons for this, but the primary one is that it mimics the diet of dogs in the wild. This type of diet is often called the prey model diet.

Prey-model feeding is the way to go if you want your Boerboel to live a long, healthy life free from degenerative diseases.

The diet is based on the fact that dogs are scavengers and predators. In the wild, they eat raw meat, raw bones, and raw organs. This type of diet provides all of the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

The benefits of a raw prey model diet are many.

Some of these include:

  • Dogs that are raw fed tend to eat more and digest their food better. This is especially true for dogs that are raw feeders as puppies.
  • The high protein diet results in leaner, healthier dogs with less fat and cleaner teeth and gums.
  • Provides all the nutrients your dog needs for a healthy life free from degenerative diseases.

If you are thinking of switching your dog to a raw diet, it is important to do your research first. There are many different types of diets, and not all of them are healthy for your dog. The best way to start is by feeding a raw prey model diet. This type of diet is based on the natural diet of dogs, and it provides all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

meat raw food

If you are looking for high-quality raw food for your Boerboel, try raw meaty bones. Our boerboel puppies are raised on a raw prey model diet, and we only use the best ingredients.

Raw Feeding dogs benefits

The benefits of feeding the dogs raw food are numerous. They include better digestion, stronger teeth and gums, healthier skin and coat, and reduced allergies. Dogs that are raw-fed also have a lower incidence of cancer, arthritis, and other degenerative diseases.

Switching your dog to a raw diet can be daunting, but it is worth the effort. The benefits of feeding the dogs raw meat are too many to ignore. If you are interested in learning more about raw feeding, please visit our raw feeding page.

Raw bones are best for Boerboels to allow dogs a high rate of digestion. In this natural form of diet, we see puppies that chew more resulting in healthier teeth and gums.

The prey animal’s body consists of various nutrients to preserve the carnivore’s body energy, which is especially beneficial to the giant breed.

The raw dog food diet has become increasingly popular over the years. There are many reasons for this, but the primary one is that this diet closely resembles the diet of dogs in the wild. When you raw feed your dog, you are providing them with all the nutrients they need to be healthy and happy.

Raw feeding offers many health benefits for dogs, including:

  • – better digestion
  • – stronger teeth and gums
  • – healthier skin and coat
  • – reduced allergies

Organ meat is a good source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Minced organ meats are one of the best sources of highly digestible protein for puppies.

Wholesome foods provide your dog with many nutrients including organ meats to contribute to their healthy development.

They require feeding dogs raw food benefits that organ meats contain different types vitamin A and B12, iron, zinc, and copper.

Fats provide energy in a species-appropriate form.

this is the dog’s version of carbohydrates.

Organ meat is a good source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Minced organ meats are one of the best sources of highly digestible protein for puppies.


Protein foods come in the form of animal muscle meat. Many nutrients including organ meats to contribute to their healthy development. They require different types of vitamin A and B12, iron, zinc, and copper.

Fats provide energy in a species-appropriate form. this is the dog’s version of carbohydrates. The benefits of raw food diet are too many to ignore. If you are interested in learning more about raw feeding, please visit our website for more information!

Animal muscle meat is a natural source of proteins and amino acids.

best raw meat

How Much Raw Food?

How much raw food is totally dependent on the age and size of a given dog. The amount of Boerboel raw food puppies get is different than that of boerboel adult dogs.

  • A general rule of thumb is once a day let them eat until they are full and then no more.

Basic food groups for dogs.

  • Healthy animals muscles meat %75-80
  • Bones %10
  • Organs %10

Excluding raw bones is a mistake many boerboel puppy owners make.

the most common raw bone dogs usually get the most nutrients from is raw poultry bones. Eating raw poultry bones and raw poultry necks is a natural part of a dog’s diet. Remember since the beginning of time the dog was a scavenger for scraps left behind by human camps. Many scarps would be bones leftover from human kills. It is very important to feed bones raw because cooked dog bones can shatter and cause damage to the inside of the dog’s mouth and cooking also removed nutrients from the bone.

Best Raw Food Diet

Raw vegetables provide the following nutrients: Enzymes * antioxidants * beta-carotene * carbohydrates * fiber * phytochemicals * vitamins A, B 1, B 2, B 3, B 5, B 6 , C, D, E and K * boron * choline * folic acid * inositol * iodine * PABA * pantothenic

Raw Vegetable

Vegetables include plants that grow above and below the ground such as green leafy vegetables, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, chard, dandelion greens, dark leaf lettuce, kale, okra, parsley, sprouts, squash, pumpkin, etc. (above) and: sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, etc. (below). However, these vegetables must be in a digestible form, just as they would be in a prey animal vegetables must be thoroughly pulped. Grind vegetables and grind vegetable fruit pulp are good examples of these. It is best to leave out potatoes, onions, and rhubarb. Limit or avoid raw legumes (peas and beans), but do use their sprouted seeds.

Adding green vegetable leafs and fruits like raw whole apples to your dog’s diet will allow you to achieve a healthy and balanced meat ratio to avoid any complications.

It is best to leave out potatoes, onions, and rhubarb. Limit or avoid raw legumes (peas and beans), but do use their sprouted seeds. Make sure that there is only a low level of starchy vegetables like pumpkin, and not a preponderance

Raw Fruits

raw foods

Foods to avoid -Recommended foods to avoid.

There are a number of foods that should be avoided when transitioning your boerboel diet to feeding raw, including processed foods, grains, dairy products, artificial additives, and preservatives. It is also important to avoid giving your dog too much sugar or sugary vegetables.

If you are unsure about whether or not a certain food is safe for your dog, it is always best to err on the side of caution and avoid giving it to them. With a little bit of planning, you can ensure that your dog has a healthy, balanced diet without the risk of toxic side effects.

Food with toxic side effects.

  • – Certain types of meat are not good for dogs to eat, organ meats must be consumed in moderation that can include the kidneys, liver, or other organs should be fed sparingly as they contain too much fat and cholesterol. It is best to feed raw muscle meat with bone-only (i.e., chicken thigh quarters) with organ meats increasing in frequency as the dog gets older.
  • – There are a number of foods that should be avoided when transitioning your dog, including processed foods, grains, dairy products, artificial additives, and preservatives. It is also important to avoid giving your dog too much sugar.
  • – Some of the most toxic foods for dogs include onions, grapes, raisins, and macadamia nuts. While small amounts of these foods are not likely to cause any harm, they can be poisonous in larger quantities. It is best to avoid feeding your dog any food that contains xylitol as well, as this sweetener is toxic to dogs. Sugar chocolate dairy products are also poisonous to dogs and should be avoided at all costs. е considering a raw diet for your dog, be sure to consult with your veterinarian about the best way to transition your pet and which foods to avoid. By following these simple guidelines, you can help keep your dog healthy and safe.

In the pet food industry, it is noted that pork fat is not a healthy fat for dogs to consume because they are heavy in fat even after being cooked. The fat is difficult for the dogs to digest and can cause inflammation.

*Dairy milk is not essential but dogs can consume milk in small amounts. Cannot be used as a base


1 thought on “Best Raw Food Diet For Boerboel Dogs and Puppies”

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