Exotic Boerboels

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Manage Multiple Boerboel Dogs: Pack Behavior and Dog Communication

Boerboel dogs are a lot of work. They require more space, they need to be fed more often, they shed all over the place, and sometimes they even eat your couch cushions. But if you have one boerboel or two boerboels in your household, there is no need to despair! In this blog post, we will discuss pack behavior and dog communication as well as how boerboels establish dominance with one another so that you can understand what makes them tick.

Understanding Boerboel Dog Behavior

Halo the Boerboel
Halo the Boerboel Dog

Pack behavior is something boerboel owners should be aware of. Boerboel dogs are pack animals by nature, for many reasons, one being protection purposes! Boerboels rely on each other to feel safe in the world around them. Having multiple boerboels, it is important to be aware of their pack mentality. Therefore we create an environment that allows for healthy pack dynamics.

One way to do this is by establishing yourself as the alpha dog (or human). Alphas are responsible for setting rules and limits for your boerboels, which boerboels respond to by following your rules. This is the most effective way to establish dominance within a pack with boerboels!

Boerboel communication –

often referred to as dog body language – is very important for boerboel owners to learn in order to communicate effectively with their dogs and promote healthy boerboel behavior.

For boerboels, dog communication is mostly about posture. Dogs are nonverbal communicators – this means that they express themselves through body language instead of words! Watch your boerboel for a few minutes, you can tell how he feels based on his posture and positioning. Pay attention to these boerboel body language clues:

– Eye contact

– Ears forward or back

– Tail up, down, leaning left, right, wagging fast and slow

Boerboels making direct eye contact more than a few seconds at a time maybe trying to assert dominance. This could be a sign of trouble down the road if you don’t establish yourself as the alpha dog!

If your boerboel’s ears are forward, he is paying close attention to what is going on around him. Also a sign he is feeling confident. If his ears are back, he may be feeling scared or threatened.

A boerboel’s tail can tell you a lot about his mood. If his tail is up, he is feeling happy and confident. If his tail is down, he may be feeling sad or scared. A tail is wagging fast, he is excited. A tail-wagging slowly, he is likely feeling calm and content.

Learn to read your boerboel’s body language. It is an important part of boerboel ownership, and will create a safe and harmonious environment for your boerboel puppies! For more information on boerboels, including training tips, please visit our website at [website link].


Thanks for reading!

– boerboel training

– pack behavior

– dog communication

– dominance hierarchy boerboels

– how to be alpha dog boerboels

– boerboel body language clues

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